Personal Relationships and Adequate Trading

Одно из самых важных в торговле это психология и нельзя эмоциям давать ходу, must be suppressed. I can't say, that my results have worsened due to difficulties in my personal life, but it affects my trading a lot. You stop thinking adequately and start making stupid mistakes.. You can't think about something else while trading and let the emotions from life influence it., but I'm still human. This is the only thing that affects me, otherwise calm as a tank.

Leaving trading for a while would be the right decision, BUT you can't give in to them and you have to move on. Results should improve from month to month. I would gladly give up everything and go somewhere far away to rest.

P.S. Now the month is at zero, как бы не торговать)

  The resumption of trading on the NASDAQ is coming soon
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