LCHI-2015. Current.

I did not take into account one circumstance at the open championship of Russia in the Champions League, which turned out to be very serious and will serve as an obstacle to the rapid increase in the result. As known, initially, the starting amount is calculated from the involved GO (guarantee security). That's why, with growth or drawdown, the interest is much more than, as if counted from the deposit. This is good for growing profits.. But as soon as drawdowns begin, losses are added to the starting amount. The larger the drawdown, the larger the starting amount becomes. AND, respectively, when exiting the drawdown, interest will no longer grow so fast, since the earnings are the same, and the starting amount is already much higher. For example, to buy 90 contracts Si, the starting amount should be approximately 469 000 rubles. And since losses were added to my starting amount, then now on 90 contracts, the starting amount is already 769 000. This means that now the percentage profit will grow by almost 2 times slower. All in all, it's his own fault, there was no need to sink …. :)

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