Larry, explain yourself! Otherwise it will be worse ...

Hello. Larry Williams' name has surfaced in the comments again, who sold in the Robinson Cup in a year 10 000 ye to a million.

It's an old story, but not so long ago, an acquaintance to me on Skype threw this info:

Larry himself was very much interested in all kinds of manipulations with the margin., and at the same time I thought about that, that Larry was also under investigation by the SEC. The task was simple - to show a super-duper result. Telling the scheme with Larry: he had 60 счетов по $10,000 everyone. Investment size $600,000. Trading was carried out in aggressive futures contracts where you can double the account or completely drain the account in a day. In a few days 30 accounts in the 3rd profit and 30 accounts killed. They are debited to the names of other participating traders from his own fund.. Further rates (number of contracts) double or triple and move on… and so on until one score emerged the winner. By this time, the account had already accumulated $1,500,000. But in the last two days of the Larry Cup with him $400,000 leaked, remaining with this score is still the unconditional winner $1.1 mil. from original account to $10,000. So much for the result in 11000%.
No matter what, neither the NFA nor the CFTC could oppose anything to this result. Belonging to others 59 Bill Williams was impossible to prove. Of course, he did not make a good deal from $ 600k. $1.1 it's almost cute 100% возврат, but this is by no means 11 000%
Thanks to this little affair, since then Larry Williams and his marketing company British American have made real millions over the next 15 years in sales of courses and seminars «the great guru».

At the request of blog readers «Zen Trading»: how to get the 186 624 dollar passive income for 6 years?

Is there any official version or discussion about this? I confess, I hear for the first time. I would not like to rely on unverified data.


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