Who are Decision makers, C-Suite executives и топ-10 C-Level

Who are Decision makers, C-Suite executives и топ-10 C-Level

Corporation - how it works?

The US federal government has 15 grade from 10 steps in each. The organizational structure of corporations is more mobile and is built in accordance with the principles of optimal management. There are general principles of building a company in world practice.

Typical large corporation in the USA, usually, Includes 6 major levels:

1. C-Level - Level C - Company Management
2. Vice-president - vice presidential level
3. Director
4. Manager - managers
5. Individual Contributor - responsible for a specific area of ​​work (analyst, Sales Representative, consultant, agent, technical support)
6. Entry-Level - the initial level of entry into the company (trainees, helpers, Students)

Most companies use traditional VP titles, director and manager: vice presidents run directors, directors - managers, managers lead groups of employees by area.

Decision makers - they decide everything?

They are the ones who make the most important and most difficult decisions on strategic tasks., having implications for the company. faces, decision makers, are able to effectively solve problems, use critical thinking skills, weigh the options, to bring the greatest benefit to the company and its employees.

They choose effective business partners, who finance the company and help to get more profit. Create effective business and sales strategies to successfully market products and services to quality customers and buyers. Develop marketing and advertising strategies, which help the business to attract new customers and increase brand awareness. Planning politicians, ensuring business success, as well as the safety and comfort of the working environment.

Types of decision makers in a company

There are different types of faces, Decision Makers, depending on the industry, companies and roles, in which they work. An example of the following typology can be given:

– Multifocal - focus on multiple outcomes and goals while making important business decisions. They focus on making more profit, income streams. Testing new strategies and business models, which can improve the efficiency of the company.

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– Aggregators – Their solutions are built around financial growth and change. Focused on creating strategies, which will help the business to get new acquisitions, focus on financial results.

– Brand Oriented - Focuses heavily on the company's brand and, how can it be improved. Solve various issues, concerning the image and brand. Take into account, how the company's decisions potentially affect customers and then, how these customers perceive the business and the brand.

Who are C-Suite executives?

The C-Suite team is the "top echelon": senior executives of the company, important and influential group of people in the company. C-suite refers to the executive level in the company - executive.

What is the Difference Between a Senior Leader and a Manager? It is the executives who are responsible for running the organization., and the exact nature of the activity depends on the type of organization, private or public. C-level representatives work in team / Suite, following the plans and policies of the company.

Top management positions, included in the C-suite often begin with the word Chief, that is, the main. In Russian-speaking practice, Chief in combination with Officer can be translated as director, supervisor, manager, specialist - but in any case, this is the level of the company's top management. For example, CDO - Chief Data Officer - Chief Data Officer or CGO - Chief Green Officer - Chief Environmental Specialist.

CEO - Chief Executive Officer - Chief Executive Officer / CEO - usually reports directly to the Board of Directors or the Chairman of the Board of Directors.

To top management, after CEO, include CFO (CFO), Chief Operating Officer (COO) and CIO (THAT IS). There are a few more posts, who belong to senior managers: a large company has a CMO, CEO, CFO, CVO, CIO and other C-level persons. The number of C-level positions varies and depends on the size of the company, missions, Sector.

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10 popular C-level positions (C-Level):

CFO - Chief Financial Officer - Chief Financial Officer

COO - The Chief Operations Officer

CCO - Chief Compliance Officer - Chief Compliance Officer

CIO - Chief Information Officer - Chief Information Technology Specialist

CHRM - Chief Human Resources Manager - Chief Human Resources Manager

CSO - Chief Security Officer - Chief Security Officer

CAO - Chief Analytics Officer - Chief Analyst

CMO - Chief Marketing Officer - Chief Marketing Specialist

CRO - Chief Revenue Officer - Chief Revenue Officer

CTO — Chief Technology Officer (CTO) - Chief technical specialist

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