Who Shot Down the Plane. US version.


According to our assessment, the MH17 board, probably, was shot down by a surface-to-air missile <Beech> from the territory, подконтрольной сепаратистам, in the east of Ukraine. We base this judgment on several factors..

Over the past month, we have noticed an increasing volume of heavy weapons, going to the separatists across the border between Russia and Ukraine. Last weekend, Russia sent up to 150 Vehicle, including tanks, бронетранспортёры, artillery and multiple launch rocket systems. We also have information, указывающей на то, that Russia provides training for separatist fighters at a facility in southwestern Russia, и в эту подготовку входит education работе с системами противовоздушной обороны.

Pro-Russian separatist fighters have demonstrated possession of surface-to-air missile systems and shot down more than a dozen aircraft in recent months, including two large transport aircraft.

While, when the connection with flight MH17 was lost, we detected a rocket launch earth air from the area, контролируемого сепаратистами, in the east of Ukraine. We believe, that it was a rocket <Beech>.

Interceptions of the separatists' negotiations, posted on YouTube by the Ukrainian government, указывают на то, that the separatists had a system <Beech> already on monday 14 July. In intercepted negotiations, separatists repeatedly refer to systems <Beech>, which they have and which they will relocate.

Materials (edit), posted on social media on Thursday, show the system <Beech> passing through the separatist-controlled towns of Torez and Snezhnoe, located near the crash site and is the intended launch site of the surface-to-air missile. From this place <Beech> was able to shoot down MH17, since it has a sufficient range and height of action.

Ukraine is also armed with systems <Beech>, but we are sure, that none of the Ukrainian air defense systems were in the crash area. Also, Ukrainian forces did not launch any surface-to-air missiles during the conflict., despite frequently complaining about violations of their airspace by Russian military aircraft.

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Soon after the crash, separatists - including the self-proclaimed <defense minister> Donetsk People's Republic Igor Strelkov - stated on social networks, that they shot down a military transport plane.

In an intercepted conversation, which was widely laid out on the Internet, a well-known separatist leader informs the interlocutor, that a detachment of separatists shot down this plane. After it became obvious, that the plane turned out to be a civilian liner, separatists deleted social media posts, where did they brag about, that they shot down the plane and that they have a surface-to-air missile system <Beech>.

Audio data, provided to the press by the Ukrainian security service, have been evaluated by analysts from the intelligence community, which confirmed, comparing audio recording, posted on the Internet by Ukraine, with recordings of conversations of famous separatists, that these are genuine conversations between prominent separatist leaders.

Видеоматериал, posted on social media yesterday, shows, how <Beech> transported through the Krasnodon region back to Russia. Video material shows, what is not in the system, at least, one rocket, which may indicate, that the launch was made.

The events at the crash site clearly demonstrate, that the separatists completely control the area.

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