By the way.. about the competition.. on 10 000$)

From the point of view of a PR specialist of the competition I totally failed… in fluff and dust… )) Show failed)
The worst start you can think of – before New Year)
I also scored to cover his events, because. самому, sobsno, there was no time for the competition… Yes, and now it is not up to him))

Meanwhile, dollar ruble already 63… and I already get more prize, than at LPI2014)))) Хыхыхыы….

AND… surprisingly… I was pleased with the participants. Их около 10 human… and even after selection, many show good curves… already live.

The other day.. as a last resort, at the end of the week I will make access to the competition not only for PREMIUM USERS, but also for regular accounts.. ie. access will be free.

In the meantime, here are the curves of some participants. Let me remind you, so far they only broadcast 1-2 weeks maximum… (who started how…).


2) Pavel Juretskiy

3) Palladin

4) Waits68

5) Sipress

6) Feniks_serega

7) Jerold

8) novel

Polina is also a trader.. but so far the deals are only for 2 of the day. The curve will be sent from next week…

So that… why am i…
The members are not so bad got caught.
See, что будет дальше

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