By the way about Chinese real estate

“It's only in big cities."
Sales of new homes from May 10 to May 16 fell 16 percent to 60,000 square meters from the week before, the lowest level for the same period since 2005, property consultant Shanghai UWin Real Estate Information Services Co., said in an e-mailed statement. (here)

and at 07-08m:
– it's only in a regional bubble (now without specifying the meaning of the term) spoke in FED,
– it is only a small sector of the economy, she said the tags,
– prices will go down and there will be more buyers, spoke from the TV.

“These are all cash transactions."
On April 16, the State Council rolled out a series of measures to curb the domestic housing market amid concerns over asset bubbles. These measures include a
* 30 percent down payment for first time buyers for houses larger than 90 square meters,
* 50 percent down payment and lifting mortgage interest rate for second home buyers.
* The government has also imposed a temporary ban on mortgage applications for third or above home buys and cross-city purchases. (here)

well, yes, there seems to be no Chinese CDO market (I don't know, if anything), but here, what the logic suggests:
and) ограничение "30 percent down payment for first time buyers" talks about, that after all this is not cash dials,
b) history shows, what when it comes to bubble (income only from the continued growth of the asset value) people will always find ways to finance. I don't know what's in China, may open spd (some), take a loan for it and off we go. human nature is always the same, and if there is an incentive to take real estate with leverage, she will be taken.

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