
27 January I will be in Krasnodar for some RTS get-together.. as “special guest” )))
I just agreed because I had nothing to do.

Official lyrics:
27 January 2011 the next Ri_Club party will take place in Krasnodar. They, who has already come to us, will not be disappointed: speeches by special guests, presentation of new strategies, dynamic discussions, in which everyone can take part, sweepstakes competition and awarding of winners, traditional buffet - we are not going to reduce the level of information content and the degree of positive emotions! The guests, for whom this party will be the debut in Ri_Club, will be able to test in practice, how easy it is to communicate on serious topics in a completely frivolous setting.!

Event plan under the cut

20.00-20.10 Вступительное слово.
Dmitry Bondar. LLC "A-Lab".
Greeting. Party composition. Introducing guests. Arrangements.

20.10-20.30 Competition "Best Private Investor": source of trader inspiration!
Михаил ИвановВице-президент. Head of Business Development Department, RTS OJSC .
Fresh Trends: options, relevant strategies and tools in 2011 year.

20.30-20.50 Trading Ideas: stock market vs товарные и валютные рынки. Skotnikov Valery – Head of the Department for Interaction with Private Investors, RTS OJSC.
FORTS – liquidity center for commodity and foreign exchange instruments.

20.50-21.10 Trader Legend, silver medalist of the LCI2008 – Maitrade visiting RI_Club.
Alexey Martyanov (my_trade) – private investor.
Independent assessment of the results of the LPI2010. Strategies used. Debriefing.

21.10-21.30 Communication with the participants of the LCI 2010.
Turaev Boris (Borboso_Al ) 12place LCHI2010.
Gaiduk Victor (Funky_AL) 18place LCHI2010
Техника торговли. Вопрос-ответ, live communication with the participants of the competition.

21.30-21.45 Summing up the evening.
Dmitry Bondar LLC "A-Lab".
Live communication. Competition. Presentation of the prize to the winner of the last competition.

21.45-22.30 Unofficial part. "Live communication"
Buffet. Results of the evening.

event title: “Best Private Investor 2010″: nascent trends and trading ideas in the Year of the White Rabbit”

  CTA registered

Organizers: company "A-Lab" with the support of the exchange "RTS"

Special Guests: Alexey Martyanov (my_trade) – silver medalist of the LCI2008

Date of the party: 27.01.2011 G.

Location: G. Краснодар, he is. Леваневского 185А, RC “STRIKE”.

The cost: IS FREE
registration (обязательная) here :
[email protected]

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