Contests, contests

This is what I wanted to ask you. Not a secret, that a very large number of people come to exchange trading precisely through trader contests.

This is the drive, and an interesting competition, and the opportunity to make money on a deposit. Со временем кто-то отходит от участия в конкурсах, and someone continues to practice them regularly. Someone switches to other contests, Long term, who kind of hone their skills, and someone chops up in short-term. I'm just currently very busy solving organizational issues with starting my own business., and for that, so as not to load your Moscow with additional loads and stresses, decided to relax the moral and just for the sake of, чтобы вспомнить как начиналось мое знакомство с рынками поучаствовать в состязаниях.

I'm interested, what is your attitude to competitions? Has it changed over time, do you participate in them? If yes, then for what purpose. Евген, помнишь, how are you with 500 nearly 5 000 Did? I then remember my climbs from such amounts to 5 000-7 000.

It is interesting and, probably, justifiably. Since I looked at the forum of the bug here and saw, that almost all of 25 победителей, including Zhenya, Leading School of Managers, are in a drawdown or have already won back with their managed accounts. And here even the most staunch advocate of correct MM and competent trade will not have enough conscience to talk about literacy and discipline. well, eh, Isn't this Forex roulette at all??

Turtle Traders, By the way, the same after a dozen years of trading with their BAC funds! and many burned out. Вот я и спрашиваю. Isn't this a big hoax, Trading? Те же воины Уолл-стрит, which we see in the films of the same name – do not have successful traders. It is clear to me, like a day. And who is successful? Wherever you look or dig deeper – it turns out to be a completely unhappy picture. What remains? Играть! Ххы.

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