Who to give money?

Who to give money?)

in DU

On air transmission:” Who want to be a millionaire” ))

They write no kidding. Who wants to become – send your charts profitability.. for the last at least months 6, and better 12.

Affects everyone.. scalpers, day traders.. in the forts and in the west.

Loot is not mine of course.. I am only instructed to collect and look at people) Conditions and amount will be discussed individually.

Send to 31337- @ mail.ru (Dada, with a dash)

What would it be stupid for me not to ask everyone the same questions and speak to the point at once?, roughly understanding who I'm talking to at all, attach some answers to the letter:

1) The name of, leap years
2) How much experience on the market.
3) Mainly scalping or day trading? Or.. portfolio manager)))))) Maybe ARBITRATORS? о_О
4) How much do you expect in the remote control?. AND… what conditions.. for example, what kind of drawdown do you want to set.

  Pulling a Rabbit out of Hole.............
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