
Overview of companies on the stock market

OGK-2 review: rising net income and falling prices

OGK-2 (MOEX: OGKB) - Russian generating company with installed capacity 17,608 GW. Main activities: production and sale of electrical and thermal energy. Business structure OGK-2 divided its business into 12 branches, whose names coincide with the company's facilities operating there: Surgutskaya GRES-1.

Head of Volkswagen: "The future of industry is smart cars"

With 7 on 12 September in Germany will host the international automotive exhibition IAA Mobility 2021, in which the largest automakers will take part. A few days before the exhibition, the head of Volkswagen Herbert Diess gave a short interview.

Bundle of investment news: Disney, Walmart and Shang Chi

Companies will take money from investors and give it to their employees. American tax will make the stock market flutter. Disney can hope things get better, but it is not exactly. Pension funds out of greed go to the stock exchange.

New securities on the Moscow Exchange for August 2021

At the end of the summer, new bonds of an organization from Russia and shares of foreign companies appeared on the MICEX. In addition, several exchange-traded funds began to trade.. Part of the new bonds we do not mention.

Chewy Shares Drop Ten Percent After Q2 Report 2021 of the year

Online Animal Grocery Trader Chewy Releases 2nd Quarter Report 2021 of the year: revenue increased by 26,8 %, to 2,16 billion dollars; gross margin increased from 25,5 to 27,5 %; direct losses halved, with 32,8 to 16,7 million; adjusted EBITDA increased by 50,5 %, to 23,3 million.

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