Companies, hunted all over the world

Companies, hunted all over the world

SPAC (Special-purpose acquisition company) - a specialized company for targeted mergers and acquisitions.SPAC (Special-purpose acquisition company) Is a specialized company for targeted M&A. You knew, that there are special companies – SPAC, - which help a business to enter the stock exchange?

SPAC is created by sponsors and raised funds through an IPO, and then buy non-public companies. SPAC has money and is traded on the exchange; their only goal is to merge with private companies. The main task is to help a private company go public, Bypassing the Long, expensive and complicated IPO.

After the merger of SPAC and a non-public company, non-public business becomes public; the new venture takes the name of the company and continues to bargain, like any other issuer on the market.

Why is it interesting for an investor?

It's that simple: to the company, slivshuюsя with SPAC, big money invested. Her shares are promising, and the company itself is a ready-made investment object. In the future, it can be worth a lot of money..

Investors Around The World Are Seeking To Track Potential Giants. And we are no exception.

Our experts are looking for promising SPAs, analyze the reputation of its organizers, number of successful deals, Trading volume, and select the most interesting among them.

Want to access SPAC analytics?

For qualified investors, we provide it free of charge when connected to a personal broker! Now you can keep your finger on the pulse and be in the market, without making a huge effort.

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LLC "Company BCS", license no. 154-04434-100000 from 10.01.2001 G. for brokerage activities. Issued by the Federal Financial Markets Service. No expiration date. Information about BCS Company LLC can be found here.

In more detail with the terms of the tariff plan "BCS - Personal broker» you can in application no. 11 (Tariffs) to the Regulations for the provision of services in the securities market of BCS Company LLC

  10 years intraday trading, making several transactions a day, and at the same time lives "from the market".

SPAC (Special-purpose acquisition company) - a specialized company for targeted mergers and acquisitions.

IPO (Initial Public Offering) - initial public offering on the stock exchange.

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