Commission on Mental Disorders.

But interesting, does someone monitor the health of the heads of states. I don't mean therapists and dentists, certainly, and psychiatrists. And not in the sense of an examination when you feel unwell, and a planned examination. Type, how representatives of some professions pass the commission and, after a thorough examination, an opinion is issued —  годен / unfit. It's not a secret for anyone that the position of the first person of the state is always associated with stresses as a result of which the mind can be damaged.. And the head of the country who has lost his mind can do anything, especially if he has a nuclear button in his hands. It happens that as a result of severe depression against the background of ongoing schizophrenia, a person wants to commit suicide.. Wherein, if he is angry with the whole world, then it may well decide that if you die then all together. Or else there may be various options — like imagining himself as Napoleon or Batman, who is obliged to save someone from world evil. All in all, these are quite serious things…. I believe that the heads of state, must be screened for mental disorders at least once a year and an independent commission of doctors must be established, who will do it. Moreover, this should be spelled out in the constitution.….. Otherwise, someday that day may come, when, by the will of one person, the development of civilization can be thrown back several millennia.

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