Column for Forbes: Developing markets, hryvnia exchange rate and interest rates


Замедление экономики развивающихся стран спровоцирует рост давления на курс гривны
How you can make money on it?

Over the past months, the main problem of the world economy has become clear – slowing growth in developing countries. Operational indicators indicate that, that the situation is getting worse pretty quickly – the value of the monthly HSBC Emerging Markets Index by August fell to the value of April 2009 of the year.

At the same time, investors, by and large, continue to ignore the risks. In focus – economic recovery in the United States and the eurozone, as well as a reduction in concerns about the phasing out of stimulating monetary policy. Worse than that, more and more often the thesis begins to sound «US economic growth will stop the slowdown in China's economy».

p.s. I don't think, what awaits us “collapse”, “catastrophe” etc. I miss a big shake-up of expectations / predictions. this is a rather delicate matter, don't take the idea, как all-in bet.

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