Collecting dividends.

A new trend has emerged in online trading communities. Since the traditional methods of earning have exhausted themselves, traders were disappointed in technical analysis, fundamental analysis, intradee, scalping, trendslezhenii, countertrend, averaging, pair trading and other ways of getting rich, buying companies for the purpose of collecting dividends is now in vogue. The philosophy is as follows — no matter how the price of the purchased shares behaves, since the profit / loss has not been fixed yet, then there is no loss either. And in general, the share price does not matter because you should consider the purchase of shares as the purchase of a piece of the company's business from which dividends will constantly drip. I.e, profit will always be, and never losses, because we will not record losses, but we will be co-owners of the company and will receive profit from the business in the form of dividends :)

Cool approach.

By the way, no matter how many asked the `` knowledgeable" experts on what to do if on the cut-off day the share price falls exactly by the amount of dividends paid and what is then the advantage of receiving them?… Ah, Yes, I forgot that the concept is that the stock price is not important, and the dividends paid are important. :)

Isn't it better then just to put money in the bank for a deposit or buy bonds. Risk of falling deposit and bond prices (if held to maturity) absent unlike dividend shares, That, usually, do not grow or grow weakly, but more often they just fall on 95% in the worst of times, and we receive interest and coupons stably and no less than from stocks, and even more.

But nevertheless, when despair comes from disappointment in all types of trading, the dividend strategy acts as a rescue straw. This is just understandable.

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