Coffee, happiness and financial markets

If not too much simplified, then the markets – это decision making machine (dmm), which consists of individual dmm, and the collective differs from the private on several levels. Самое забавное в том, that you work with the market also as dmm, trying to understand as much as possible other dmm, but at the same time remain as independent as possible dmm.

All of the above leads to just one idea.: financial markets are all about decision making. That's why, there is no escape from the pursuit of understanding, how do we do this decision making. To be in good shape and not to miss something important, you have to be scattered and inadvertently broaden your horizons with unexpected topics.

If you are somehow connected with financial markets, then for you «irrational exuberance» – this is no more useful book, how «mindless eating» or «brain bugs». Kaneman's concept System1/System2 useful to the same extent, as his experiencing self / remembering self, but none of this is more useful hot-cold empathy gap, which is not at all more important affective forecasting. It's all about the same – dmm.

In this way, there are surprises on my horizon, including Books о счастье, or about habits or about morality, religion and other seemingly non-financial. For example, «stumbling on happiness» (video), where did I get the idea of ​​affective forecasting – what, as an option, can be translated as «in the future it won't be like that, how do you imagine».

Truth, between «get something, what do you want» And «not get», in terms of happiness / pleasure / etc. there is not much difference, therefore, it makes no sense to get upset in most cases, as well as setting high expectations of something, for they will not be confirmed (although you may remember the opposite see.  experiencing self / remembering self).

  Here are our heroes from FX Trend: Sven and Veronica ;)

That's why I have a personal story with coffee.. To be objective, then I'm a coffee lover, well, I certainly was. but, I quickly noticed, that the taste of the drink itself (whoever and how would it be prepared from what) inferior in pleasantness to the cooking process, which in turn is inferior to the situation, in which the drink is consumed (people, circumstances).

At first there were just observations, then a little theory helped to form a more complete picture of what was happening. As a result, Now it's all clear, but strange: just watch from the side how: 1) expectations of taste are formed with the understanding of, that they won't come true; 2) when consuming a sense of power X when understanding, what will be remembered, everything is like 100X. But everyone is happy.

And again to the financial markets. Such a split thinking, very useful in financial markets. For example, thoughts «too expensive for that, чтобы покупать» And «too expensive, but it will become even more expensive» must coexist under the same roof at the same time and simultaneously influence decision making. Is it schizophrenia, whether experience J.

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