Something about the subconscious. Conflicts

When you have a psychological conflict, it is in your best interest to resolve it as soon as possible. A hundred years ago, Freud said, and modern cognitive psychologists have proved, that there are limits to psychological energy, which consciousness can spend. The more problems you leave unresolved, the more they accumulate “” and the less psychological energy remains for their solution. When a problem is left unsolved, highly likely, that conflicts will arise when you, least expect them. Not every unresolved conflict will creep up, to influence behavior, but it would be wise to make sure, that you are free from psychological conflicts. You have unresolved conflicts on the other side of consciousness? Studies have shown, that such conflicts are difficult to ignore and pretend, that they don't exist. Now you need to combine the beneficial aspects of your favorite methods and invented options.. As you combine methods, make sure, that you are not creating a conflict within the system – for example, some model, potentially having more than one value or signal. Usually, You will come across situations like this. In these cases, you should find out, what factors cause the conflict and either eliminate one or more causes or add another rule to your method, that will block the conflict.

Surprisingly, the more you try to deny the existence of these conflicts, the more psychological energy you waste. Instead of, to try to ignore conflicts, it's better to face them face to face. More often than not, a simple admission of a conflict will provide a quick solution..

There are conflicts, which all traders face sooner or later. There are many statements in trading, who have confirmed their truth, but they are hard to accept. For example, novice traders should accept the opportunity, that the streak of winning trades is most likely due to luck, not skill. You better take this opportunity, what to pretend, that this is not justified. Remember, that it will take more psychological energy, to pretend, that you have trading skills, when in fact they are not, than to admit, that you need more practice and instruction. Recognizing your potential limitations, You can spend your limited psychological energy more productively., than proving your reputation as a first-class trader.

  Here it is...

There are statements, which are just scary to accept for some traders. For example, trader can think, “Maybe, I was a good trader at one time, but market conditions have changed, and I cannot maintain a high level of my reputation as a successful trader”. All traders are faced with such an opportunity sooner or later.. It could be true or false. But, regardless of the truth, allowing such a belief to creep on the other side of consciousness, we waste psychological energy. Better to admit this possibility, and if it's a lie, remind yourself, what is absurd, and if it's true, take the necessary steps (like learning new trading strategies) to prove, what is wrong.

On the other side of consciousness, there are always many beliefs and, when you feel depressed, disappointed mood, these beliefs can shift from the fringes to the forefront. Don't need to ignore them. Better to take them immediately. As soon as you do this, You, probably, you can tell yourself: “it may be true, but it has no effect this minute”. Later you will spend some time, to deal with it. Make Sure, that you face your conflicts face to face, take the time to research them and try to solve them. Then you, at least, remove unnecessary from the other side of consciousness and release psychological energy.

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