
New Arrivals. first – Ariely's recommendation, Second – one of my favorite topics – why we deceive ourselves so easily and beautifully. in the second case, there are usually two reactions to facts: 1) Yes, OK, so cool, but it doesn't concern me!; 2) all this does not say anything about the spiritual component of a person? at all, this is a kind of final frontier – you either come to terms with reality or not. turns out, In most cases, the effect of self-deception tendencies is so strong, what if you're out of luck" treat yourself and your feelings easier and more skeptical, then you will not be a welcome guest at most parties, and over time you will turn into some kind of freak isolated from live human communication. like Krugman or Stiglitz. joke :)

The Why Axis: Hidden Motives and the Undiscovered Economics of Everyday Life | [Uri Gneezy, John A. List]SuperSense: Why We Believe in the Unbelievable | [Bruce M. Hood]

P.S. passed The Big Short Lewis. на удивление, highly recommend, if you are not yet.
       well-written and interesting, the book is really alive in many ways.

  Without food.
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