The key to fulfilling desires

Hello, friends!

I want to share one simple technique, which will help everyone in life, who will make it part of the daily workout.

Confess, I was introduced to her by Roman Ivanovich Popov, when we were doing Remote Vision under his guidance. And it was this simple and uncomplicated exercise that had a very noticeable effect., which started to melt as soon as I stopped doing it.

That is, if you want a positive result — make a part of your life. 10-15 minutes a day before bedtime or during a break will be enough.

By the way, I met an analogue of this breathing exercise in Van Tharp's book «Super trader. How to make money on the market in any conditions», what was a lot of surprise. He also recommends doing it every day., but calls it meditation and notes the magical effect, despite the uncomplicated nature and simplicity.

so. All we need — watch your breath. We lie down or sit down and begin to breathe calmly. At the same time, we count exhalations. Раз… two… three… When we get to ten — draw from one again! It is important!

At first you will catch yourself, that consciousness and mind will go astray on different rubbish, swarming in the head. It will be hard to maintain concentration.. Не напрягайтесь, go back to the bill.

When will it turn out to let the stream of thoughts pass by — you can notice, that you forget to start counting from the beginning and will automatically continue it: eighteen… двадцать… It's OK, go back to the beginning and count again from one to ten. Along 5-10 minutes 1-2 once a day — already great.
The effect comes through 2-3 weeks. Very important, to keep your daily thoughts positive and focused. For one of the side effects of exercise is the increased ability to materialize desires..

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There is no mysticism here. Probably the effect is, that this exercise gives the brain the necessary tone and strength, after which subtle processes and connections come into play, which they like to talk about of all kinds «possessors of happiness».

If you have the strength, to make this simple exercise part of your daily routine — отпишитесь о результатах. I will be interested.

God bless you, at least until the next blog update Zen trading

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