China -7,32%. Bidding stopped, the exchange is closed.

Китайский stock market стремительно падает. The exchange closed once again in the fall -7%. The economy is degrading. Now, to keep Chinese leaders in power, it will be necessary to look for an external enemy to unite the nation around the ruling party. I do not think that the United States will be chosen as an external enemy because it is too far and too tough.. But Russia is close and weakened by low oil prices. ….

It is quite possible that this was Obama's move to weaken the Chinese economy and pit China against Russia with the further unleashing of a semi-world war in the eastern hemisphere of the planet., due to which the US economy will grow many times over.

These are the new plots of the world conspiracy, otherwise the old ones repeat from year to year, already not even interesting

  Alexander Elder (Alexander Elder)
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