Cyprus, stupid thoughts

actually, I don't really like enchanting initiatives from Germany. for if structural reforms fail in Southern Europe, this is largely due to the ideological panic budgetary savings. elsewhere they are also trying to punish the post-Soviet mafia in the eyes of their voters. right, sensation, that their voter is intellectually lower than those, who do Ukrainians complain about :)

On the other hand, I do not share the panicky exclamations of commentators at all. well, OK, 10% savings will be exchanged for equity. still better, than measures of budgetary savings. undermining confidence in the banking system? I doubt very much. eventually, with more, what is planned for the outflow, the European officials themselves will have to capitalize on the banks. everything will be OK. Spain? Italy? who wanted to have already withdrawn.

what about & quot; fairness" and & quot; precedent" I'm just terrified. if you still keep your money in a Cypriot bank, then either you have no choice and pay 10% then it's quite normal, if the choice was, then, сори, ваши проблемы, maybe the money did not come from the mind?) eventually, this is an offshore zone, you avoid taxes, and there are no free lunches. justice prevails :)

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