Case "Fascinated by Fujiyama"! Analysis, применение, actual Japanese candlestick patterns

Hello everyone again, friends!

Those traders, which in the markets are the same, how much or more, and with whom we traded at one time in the unfortunately liquidated Broko (читаем статью Broko's company is closed), know, that I started trading forex and futures 7 years ago using this method of graphical analysis, like japanese candles. В помощь всем Books Стива Нисона «Graphical analysis of Japanese candlesticks» and Gregory Morris.

I have studied these patterns very well and have always applied them in my trading., in more or less degree. And to this day I can't imagine trading without a schedule. Прежде чем открыть позицию я смотрю на schedule, on different TFs.

Furthermore, for about a year or more I have been leading the topic on the Broko forum «Fascinated by Fujiyama», where he talked about candles and looked for certain models on the charts.

However! All of you use these candlestick charts, is not it? in my opinion, this is the most convenient display of price movement, much clearer, than bars or line or tick chart.

But the paradox is, what using a candlestick chart, looking at his intricate line, people do not have information about, how can you read it. What patterns and why did the Japanese singled out, what are the names of these models and how they reflect the events taking place on the market. It is not right.

Candlestick patterns on their own, as Nikolai-neophyte correctly put it in the comments to the post «Hammer on eurusd» are a controversial tool, like any other technical analysis tool.

This is why mastery is, in order to correctly and to the place apply certain methods of forecasting financial markets, necessarily with a competent MM. Unfortunately. a lot of people get confused about identifying models, названиях, correlating them to bullish or bearish.


My opinion is this — candlestick analysis can even be used by itself, without any complex TA supersystems, without indicators, without reports and statistics, without fundamental. Because according to the old rule of technical analysts — the price takes into account everything. And the schedule is a reflection of the events taking place — pure zen.

Interferes with reading it «ripples in the water» our consciousness, excessive self-confidence and the peculiarity of the graphical analysis of Japanese candlesticks, expressed in that, that on different TFs the motions will differ fundamentally, contradicting each other. Sometimes people argue, which TF can be used for candlestick analysis. For example, Neeson gives examples on both weekly and monthly charts., and even on the day.

Morris generally points out, what's on daily. And pattern сохраняет свою силу до 7 days. This, to put it mildly, глупость. So it cannot be argued, triggered models can be found on any TF, but this is not a reason to assert, that only on a specific frame do they work.

Furthermore, there are candlestick patterns, consisting, in my opinion, of a group of candles in the amount 3-10 things, but not you, which are described in the literature, and they, which I have watched over the years of trading both in oil and in currencies and in gold. Some patterns are specific to gold only, some — for currencies, etc..


I have long wanted to create my own Japanese candlestick course, but hands did not reach, а кроме того, there were periods of disbelief in this method. But with sound reasoning it became clear, that it is not the method to blame, not japanese and neeson, and I myself and my selfishness and stubbornness.

Working with candles is like a tea ceremony. She doesn’t have to rush, суеты, unrest.

  Interview with a trader: Timothy Sykes

Now I am recruiting a group of students to the school for studying Japanese candlestick graphical analysis..

Teaching платное, but the entry price is ridiculous — 300 ye. Roughly — 2 weeks for training, on 3 lessons per week via Skype or whatever is more convenient - we will decide on the way individually, during which we will study those models with you, which in my opinion are relevant. And we will learn how to apply them with the correct MM and on different TFs. That is my goal, as a teacher to study with you several current models, which you can use based on your work schedule and personality traits. And regularly make a profit with the use of this knowledge in that market, where you work: on promotions, on currency pairs and on goods.

With all questions, write to the contacts, indicated on this page.

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God bless you, at least until the next blog update Zen trading

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