Trader career – myth or reality?! (Traanan)

Many people ask more than once, how i became a trader. It's a very short story. Everything was simple, one fine day i woke up and realized, what am I trader.
I studied at the institute for 3 Know, I was engaged only in studies and at that time I passed the session only for fives. I've always been on you with math, which helped me to better understand both economics and many other things. One day in winter 2005 I accidentally got into only, that the newly opened company A&G world capital on the street. Mikhailov in St. Petersburg. I didn’t mean to work, and on business I went into their office and saw, what's the trader's office. As a result, after a while I went there. education and in March of that year for the first time sent a warrant. The first share, in which I planted with my eyes closed 100 market buy shares, was a stack of a Brazilian metallurgical company with the ticker RIO, now it's VALE. I've lost 11 Doll., but the shock was so, as if I was told, that I am Harry Potter. Further about 6 the struggle with the market for a place in the sun lasted for months, he taught me and I did not forget to use the lessons learned (Further….)

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