The guard is tired…

here you go, it looks like they sailed with growth. America, until it was rejected, but the very rejection of the levels says a lot. The character is clearly not bullish. Shorting gold again made a profit. I hold a third of the position, plus pendants for sale set higher, just in case. Eurodollar, Sber, also short, well and one more thing, on little things. At the Russian fund, before closing, someone was furiously shopping, as the last time, they hold the evening too. На нефть, do they hope. I'd like to see, as these “investors” tomorrow they will pop up.
Looked at the results of the LPI 2010 – to my mind, in past contests, people did not merge so much. Now 100-200 thousand. – trifle. Drawdowns are already 1.5 million for some, and more. Profitability, in absolute values, much lower. Verbitsky continues “systemic drain”. Do not know, how to treat it. On the one side, уважение, certainly, what went to the competition, with faith in your system, trades it hard. I certainly would not have been able to take a loss for so many days, purely psychological. Plus everyone is watching you, обсуждают, how am i now, in LJ. With another – the market has changed, he is like a living organism, and they approach it with a static scheme. Though, гибким должен быть trader, have a lot of techniques and tools at your disposal.

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