Which stocks will enrich investors this month?

Stock market takes a break after, as for the last 17 months demonstrated his impeccable work.


Around China's Second Largest Ecommerce Platform, JD, there are two problems : China's economic slowdown and Beijing's regulatory measures against tech stocks and their executives.

Which stocks will enrich investors this month?

Online sales in China increased by 4,4% in July, which was much lower, than expected, and mainly because of the sale in June, pushed sales forward.

  • Партнерская stock к ежегодной феерии покупок 11-11, launched by Alibaba a few years ago, June event brought sales between Alibaba and JD in the amount of 136,5 billion dollars. For comparison: «Prime Day» Amazon in June, Estimated, brought less 12 billions of dollars in sales.

Jack Ma – founder of AlibabaJack Ma – founder of Alibaba

China is also taking tough measures against tech companies and is considering limiting CEO's pay.. Between capitalist enterprises, working in a communist country, there is a constant collision, which sometimes leads to a sharp reaction.

Last year, for example, Alibaba's Jack Ma was forced to hide the bottom for months after, how his Ant Financial was forced to withdraw its IPO due to his criticism of regulators.

Nevertheless, JD is still strong, growing business, beyond online retail only.

Besides, the company is actively engaged in advertising and cloud services, and recently sped-up its healthcare and logistics business.

JD's acc fell on 43% from a 52-week high and near a 52-week low.

Shares trade only for a small fraction of its sales., and with that in mind, that analysts set the consensus target price higher 103 dollars per share, it means, that the growth potential of the e-commerce giant's shares is 66%.

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