How to make money on the exchange.

Making money on the exchange is very easy. The only way to do this systematically and consistently — is playing against smart money" — this is what the owners of big money call themselves and in translation it means `` smart money ''. Actually, of course, they flatter themselves and their money is far from smart, а скорее наоборот. The reason for this paradox is simple — usually & quot; smart money" these are the managers of other people's money, and their (of money) so much that they make the trade awkward and cumbersome. And since the money is someone else's, then managers in any case receive a salary for management regardless of the result and from this they relate to trading carelessly. Немногие, I guess, know what the only real support and resistance levels are the chart grid lines in the terminal. This is due to the fact that it is easier for managers to trade this way and they open positions exactly on the grid lines of their terminals.. This is how it looks:


Further — as known, & quot; big players" gaining positions on the fall of the market, усредняясь. But the most important thing about this is, that their entry points never coincide with the lows of the charts. That is, the price always goes against the smart big players.. This is what you can use. If there is information that a major player is buying at the moment, then you have to sell, since the price will go down, where a major player will buy again. Then the price will still go down where the player will continue his purchases.

And vice versa, когда цена растет, big players fix profits. That's why, if there is information that a major player is taking profit, надо покупать, since the price movement will continue up for some time, because history does not yet know a case for a major player to fix himself right at the top. They usually only take 20-50% of the whole movement and rush to fix profits in parts — otherwise, they simply will not be able to exit because of their huge positions.

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It remains to identify the major players …. (continued in a paid seminar)

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