"How to Marry a Millionaire" and the Millionaire's Answer

The popular American bulletin board Craig's List recently posted a letter from a 25-year-old girl, which literally writes the following:

What to do?

I am beautifull, cheerful, smart 25 year old girl. I'm not from New York. I want to marry a guy, who earns at least a year 500 one thousand dollars, because I want to be able to stay at home with our future children. I understand, how does this sound, but a million dollars a year is today the income of the middle class in New York, so not too much.

There are guys on this forum, who earn 500 thousand. dollars a year or more, or their wives? Prompt! I dated a businessman, who earns about 200-250 thousand a year, but i told myself: Stop! 250 thousand won't lead me to a house west of Central Park. I know a woman in my yoga class, who is married to an investment banker and lives in a beautiful house in Tribeca. I do not think, that she is as beautiful as me, and she's not a genius at all. What did she do right? How can I reach her level?

Here is what interests me in particular:

- Where are you, single rich men, spend your free time? Give me addresses: bars, restaurants, gyms.
What kind of girlfriend are you looking for? Be honest, you don't hurt me.
What age should I aim for? (to me 25)
Why do some women, leading a luxurious life, so simple? I saw really "simple women", boring, with whom there is nothing to talk about; but they are married to incredibly rich men. And I've seen damn pretty girls, who miss the bar alone. What's the matter here?
What kind of guys should I look for? Everyone knows - lawyer, investment banker, doctor. How much do these guys really make?? And where do they have fun? Where do the hedge fund guys go??
- How do you decide, marry or remain lovers? I ONLY NEED A WEDDING!

My offer is completely fair.. Many beautiful women are very superficial; at least in this I surpass them. I wouldn't be looking for a guy, I'm looking for, if you weren't absolutely sure, that I can fit him in all respects: appearance, culture, mind, the ability to manage the household and keep the warmth of the hearth.

Her letter did not go unnoticed: guy, making over half a million a year, responded to her offer like a real financier.

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I read your post with great interest, and thought carefully about your dilemma. I offer an analysis of your predicament.

Firstly, I'm not wasting your time: I meet your requirements, because I earn more, than $500K per year. And this is how I see it all.

Your offer, from the point of view of a guy like me - definitely a bad deal, and that's why. If you throw out everything superfluous from your letter, you offer a simple deal: you offer your beauty in exchange for my money. Perfectly. But here's the problem: your beauty will fade, and my capital will only grow ... in fact, the probability of increasing my capital is very high, but you will definitely not become more beautiful!

So in the language of economics, you are a depreciating asset., and I am a profitable asset. And you're not just a depreciating asset, your value is falling faster and faster! Let me explain: you now 25, and you will surely attract the attention of men for years to come 5, but less every year. IN 35 no one will look at you.

Here on Wall Street we'd call you a "trading position", and marrying you is like "buy and hold". But buying you (what are you asking for) is bad business, so I'd rather rent. If my words seem cruel to you, think about this. If my money disappears, you will do the same; so when your beauty fades, I will need a way to get out of this asset. It's very simple. So what's the deal, that makes sense is goodbye, but not a wedding.

I would like to point out, that in my early career I learned a lot about market efficiency. And I'm surprised, what is "beautiful", cheerful, clever", How do you, I still haven't found my "daddy". I find it hard to believe, what for such an attractive girl, how do you describe yourself, $500K a year hasn't been found yet.

By the way, you can always find a way to make money yourself: then we wouldn't have to have this difficult conversation.

All in all, Mean, that you are on the right track - the classic "squeeze and throw" strategy. Hope, i helped you.

Yes, if you are ready to discuss any rental options - let me know!

Throughout the week, Wall Street office workers forwarded this letter to each other and discussed it.. According to many, now in America a lot of girls think the same way, like our heroine, and are ready to throw themselves into the arms of any lonely financially prosperous man. There is even a special word for this type of woman.: they are called Plastic (one of the meanings of this word is artificial, contrived; false; surface).

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