How to sell photos you have taken

The first step in creating a special conceptual photographic image – choosing a theme for work. Time, love, stress, hope, a life, sadness, a party, future, reverie, joy, touch, astonishment, passion, sorrow, the escape, speed, danger, hotter, cold, despondency, energy, risk, force, wrestling, serenity, age – here are just a few ideas from those, who can come to the photographer.

Besides all this – there are different colors, for example, Red, yellow, green, blue, salad, white, the black, pink – and symbolism associated with flowers and the special attitude of people towards them.

You can shoot such a plot on SLR cameras and to regular cell phones. First, make a list of the different ways, by which the chosen topic or your idea can be interpreted. For instance, kiss – obvious symbol of love, but consider, that heart, carved in the bark of a tree, in the photo expresses the same idea, but not so straightforward.

Likewise, such escape symbols can be one running person., arrow on a road sign, as well as a waterfall, etc..

In many cases, the wrong thing is very important, what kind of object did you choose as such a symbol of a certain idea, and that, how exactly do you photograph it. For instance, if there are several people in the frame, their faces do not have to be clearly visible – often a photo without faces sells even better, since it will be applicable to anyone. But taking high-quality pictures for sale using a mobile phone is almost impossible., so it is better to use semi-professional cameras for beginners.

Currently, regardless of the specific object, photography is actively used with the widest lens aperture, in which only a small part of the object or scene in the picture is sufficiently sharp.

  QE and Testing Ideas

In this way, it turns out, that you can hint at something more, not being too straightforward, this will ultimately expand the possible sales of your photo. Remember: less – means more.

Also worth noticing, don't be straightforward, always look for workarounds. Discard the very first ideas – they are often very obvious and come to the mind of almost every person. Write down your thoughts and ideas. Look for connections and associations with other phenomena.. And you can sell ready-made photographs via the Internet..

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