How to get an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities without hassle

Any enterprise, or rather his leadership, in the process of activity you have to work with a lot of papers of all kinds. And in order to receive or provide a particular document, sometimes you have to defend long lines, wasting precious time in them.

Take, for example, getting an extract from the bank, which may be needed very urgently. It is necessary to make a request to the tax office, pay the state fee, carry a statement, wait for the result and pick up the statement. And it's still good, if information is in the register. After all, if there is not enough information in the request for identification in the database, the answer to the request may be a certificate of lack of information.

But all in order. Why do you need such an extract at all??
• Such information will be mandatory for the organization, opening a bank account. After all, no bank will open an account for an unknown client, which means it is necessary to confirm the reliability of information about the company and the powers of the head, what an official paper from the state register of enterprises can do.

• Also urgent discharge from the bank may be needed in a situation, when the head acts as an applicant in any state body and documents need to be certified by a notary, which are related to the activities of the enterprise

• If the organization participates in tenders or transactions in the auction (auctions), then you need to keep in mind, what, placing an order for work or the supply of goods, you must provide an extract not more than six months old.

• Well, do not forget about, what getting an extract from the bank may be needed when concluding any transactions with counterparties, about which you need to get reliable information. By the way, no far-sighted leader would bargain with an unverified person. And given the, that the extract contains a maximum of useful information, including not only the full name, Full name of the head and legal address, but also information on activities, then for assessing the situation at the time of the transaction, such information can be considered invaluable.

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Well, since urgent discharge from the bank required, then it is up to the head to decide - to take part in bureaucratic red tape or to resort to the services of a law firm, which, for a reasonable fee, will save you from all the problems with obtaining an extract.

Since the statement is valid only for a certain period, and the activity of the enterprise requires the conclusion of new and new transactions, then, maybe, it makes sense to conclude an agreement with a law firm for permanent cooperation. And that would mean, what, in addition to quality service, customer enterprise, as a regular customer, will be able to get any discounts or bonuses.

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