How to get income for longevity: RESTORATION

Have a lovely week for you!

Stepmother went on a crime against Snow White, to keep the title of the Most Beautiful in the Kingdom, and what are pharmaceutical companies ready to go for??

Fight Against Aging Is Claimed On The Home Page, but is it?

How to get income for longevity: RESTORATION


  • RESTORBIO (TORC) look analogue of rapamycin in all directions and are currently focusing on Parkinson's. The Chinese also made a conclusion, that rapamycin helps mice for Parkinson's
  • Manager from Novartis, Novartis gave them a license. They fell into 7 once and did not give up. They have a union, and new people come from Novartis
  • Rapamycin is an extremely potent product and has overcome the species barrier of lifespan in mice. Rapamycin extended the highest lifespan of old mice from 16 up to twenty five percent. This is the best total in the world for pharmaceuticals
  • These are the leading researchers in the private sector for rapamycin.
    There are works and tests in clinical conditions from the Academy
  • Rapamycin is also given to old people to protect against Covid-19
  • Clinical studies (KI) on pharmacokinetics are conducted once a week, during 4 weeks. Watched, whether the product leaks through the blood-brain barrier. It's more like trying to cure tumors.
  • Learning resTORbio as a company with an unblemished focus on oncology, then it's more fun. ResTORbio tried to redirect cancer drugs a couple of times to fight aging and Parkinson (in progress), and are now joining a company with an unblemished focus on oncology. Adicet is a cell therapy, because it will not be a massive healing, a financially overhead "point" therapy, which is also good
  • Most likely there will be a profit - the development of Adicet is already on the go and they are not the only ones doing this.. Cancer drugs are the most successful in terms of the percentage of tested in clinical settings. This is a likely positive for stocks..
  500 000 $ behind 1 year (Robot - HFT)


  • May not work for Parkinson's. While you can see, that rapamycin in mice protects dopaminergic neurons. However, it is an extremely potent immunosuppressant.. In other words, CAN slow down development, but not cure. And bring a bunch of other questions.
  • According to Parkinson's on clinicaltrials 17 Clinical Trials (KI) on 2 Phase. This is a big farm - Genzyme, Eli Lilly, Roche, Biogen, and unfamiliar names
  • Parkinson's disease, which has long been taken up - about 100 years, requires large infusions from a large farm and interest
  • Rapamycin is a small molecule, it needs biosimilars, which other companies are testing. What part of the profit will then receive resTORbio?
  • For reasons of death, oncology is in 5th place, and firstly, metabolic problems, cardiovascular, Dementia.

Market Cap $ 76.5M
Cash $ 81M

Thanks to our experts for the opinions., Mikhail Batin and Dora Batayeva.

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