How to overcome fear of increasing positions and daily limit for a trader ?

Going to big positions will be easier, if you manage to avoid thinking, result oriented. Traders, who are afraid to raise their position size or daily limit, rarely say, that their goal is to try to gain a foothold at a comfortable level. Probably, they just want to go to a higher limit, and they refer to it as "hit or miss".

They want the end result, but since a crushing defeat is one of the options for the development of events, they are under great pressure when making every decision.
To relieve this pressure a little, they only trade, when situations are most beneficial. Not bad idea, but it only strengthens the belief that, that the success of growth by limits in the long term depends on the deposit, not from ability.

Fear of growth by limits can be eradicated, if you pay more attention to working on your skills. Instead of going upstairs and hoping, что вам повезет, consider trading at the next limit as collecting information:

  • О сильных и слабых сторонах стратегии на новом уровне
  • About weaknesses, which are invisible at the working limit - as in the field of strategy, and in the field of psychology.

By collecting this information, you can work on discovered weaknesses, торгую на вашем рабочем лимите и не испытывая при этом повышенного давления или угрозы серьезных отрицательных последствий.
Then start alternating the limits, тестируя свою торговлю и продолжая над ней работать. You strive for, so that during each increase, your trade was getting better. Finally, the moment will come, when the daily limit and position size will suit you for a long time, but don't stay on it. We must always move on.
It is also a good idea to define, какой частью депозита вы готовы пожертвовать, following this strategy, thereby setting a certain stop loss for reinsurance for that period, когда вы будете заниматься сбором статистики на новом лимите.

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