How to stop being lazy and become a plus trader

Tell about yourself, that you are lazy, is to find an excuse, to do nothing. “I would do X, but I don’t want something. What to do, I'm so lazy ". You might think, that laziness is an incurable disease, or character trait, programmed into your DNA. If you believe deep down, that it is impossible to get rid of laziness, it would be illogical to try to do anything about it. However, laziness is not a permanent character trait.. We must try to get rid of her, and this section will just help you with this.

Laziness is an ability, which you learned (never mind, good or bad). You have become capable of doing something else.. Have learned to watch TV for a long time or sleep a lot, instead of, to get together and work harder on your trading strategy. Instead of learning to be productive, you have learned to be lazy - and you, presumably, it works great.

It's impossible to be completely motivated.. Think of laziness as a strong motivation to spend hours on the couch., watching TV or surfing the internet aimlessly. Хотя это может показаться лишь игрой слов, calling everything by their real names is very important for understanding the essence of the problem and fixing it.



Laziness appears for various reasons. She may have developed early in your life, if you didn't have to put in a lot of effort. Или она развилась после колледжа, когда вы были предоставлены сами себе, or after that, how did you make a decent amount of money, and it seemed to you, what more you don't need. Вот пример того, how you can try to find the cause of laziness and a way to get rid of it.

People often get lazy., when the scheme of life, to which they are accustomed, is fundamentally changing. Когда вы живете с родителями, go to school, or work somewhere, you do not think about that, why do you need to do this. You just have to do it. You will not understand the value of such a device until then., until you become completely devoted to yourself. Now you have to decide, what to do, and do that, что вы решили.

Doing so now, which does not bring pleasure, you can have a lot more fun later

The extra responsibility doesn't seem all that hard, но она превращает жизнь или торговлю акциями в намного более трудную штуку и может привести к появлению лени. Начиная работать над ленью или над другой мотивационной проблемой, попробуйте подойти к торговле как к небольшому бизнесу.

  Risk Warning

Вы решаете, where and when you trade, how many, на каких лимитах и какие стратегии , where and how to study, and whose help to take. Это ваша обязанность – анализировать вашу торговлю и игру вашего разума (psychological component), use the latest software and strategies, and much more.

You have a lot to decide and a lot to do. If you lack the ability to run your business properly, then it means, что вы ленитесь.

7 simple steps to combat laziness

Here are some easy ways to develop these abilities.:

  1. Name all the good deeds, that you do, regardless of their importance.
  2. Make a list of, what should be done.
  3. Check the most important cases, which you must follow.
  4. Make a smart plan, according to which you will implement it.
  5. Write down excuses, which you used before, чтобы не выполнять эти дела.
  6. Напишите, почему каждое из этих оправданий нелогично или неправильно.
  7. Tune in to follow through and avoid making excuses..

Understanding, what you can fight with laziness means, that you have a chance to leave prison forever, created for you with this quality.

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