How not to get on the PAMM account divorce. Scrooge McDuck's Secrets!

Hello, friends!

Questions continue to come about investing in financial markets and about pamma. Including ask about pamm bills divorce.

I'll tell you right away, that I have both positive and negative experiences, so it would probably be right to write about that, how to avoid problems, if you decide to invest in a particular PAMM account service or entrust the funds of your personal account by transferring passwords to the trader.

Let's start by investing in PAMM accounts.


Read the introductory post about PAMM accounts: How to invest in Alpari PAMM accounts. My point of view and Forex investing in PAMM. The best managers 2013 of the year.

It makes sense to choose a PAMM account service for a particular company, if you like experimenting with managers, divide the depot between conservative and aggressive traders, introduce money, output ... Again, many of the PAMM managers allow investors to work with small amounts, tens and hundreds of dollars, which is convenient, if you have little capital.

By and large, PAMM service does not make the investment process safe. This is just a technical gimmick, which makes it possible to conveniently distribute funds among several managers, by which you can view trade statistics. An important feature of the PAMM service is that, what trader does not have direct access to your money. He can't just take them and spend them, withdraw, kidnap ... he just trades on them. And profit and loss are distributed automatically according to the offer. Most often, the profit is divided between the manager and the investor in the ratio of 20/80 to 50/50%.

Although about pamm bills divorce I will tell you - it is possible and you need to know it, so as not to fall for a scammer.

Do not forget, but, that the manager's history is not a guarantee of stable capital gains.

I just recently wrote about unpleasant leaks of the PAMM account with 4 years of history of Invincible_trader and record, but short-lived pamm account Iron Lady. Почитайте, this is useful.
That is, from here are several recommendations for investors., investing in pamm accounts:

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1. Always keep track of your account balance through your personal account!

2. Determine in advance the maximum allowable drawdown, upon reaching which you will apply for a withdrawal of funds!

Here it is necessary to note such a moment. Your account can be drained during aggressive Forex trading in an hour. Even if pamm is declared conservative, This does not mean, that an error cannot happen on it and the volume opening in 10-100 times more than stated - high leverage 1:100 allows you to make such a mistake (you can read about leverage in this lesson course "Forex for beginners"). Or that the trader did not get on tilt and did not decide to play pan / disappear. So even when you apply for a withdrawal, может оказаться так, that there will be nothing to withdraw until funds are withdrawn to the nearest rollover.

3. Withdraw profit!

Financial markets should not be used as a long-term investment platform. The only exceptions are your personal trading accounts., controlled by you and on which only you trade. We, traders and managers, sorry for repeating - just rams. We read the post traders are a herd of sheep. Though it's hard to admit it. And it's not worth making a long-term bet on a ram.

4. Consider the peculiarities of PAMM sites!

The fact, that, in fact, the PAMM services of different companies are similar to each other. But differ in detail. By the link above, you could read about Pamm Alpari. And here is another post about PAMM FX-Trend - FX-Trend. Worst PAMM account service for managers. The way in which profits and losses are distributed differ dramatically, technical details also differ, settings, etc.. Move from one site to another, without changing the strategy - it is fraught with offensive losses for purely technical reasons. The investor is already to blame and the cries of pamm bills divorce nothing to do with.

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5. Manager's choice, choice of investment strategy, timely withdrawal of profits, suppression of losses - everything is on your conscience!

Do not lay, that everything will happen on its own and in the best way. Learn to invest, if you need it. Watch, замечайте, develop your tactical plan. Seeking outside advice will not necessarily give you the best solution.. But there will be someone to blame, right?

6. Keep an investor diary!

Describe your experience and results weekly or monthly. Look for an example, how I did it - read the post Investing in pamm accounts - results of the month.

7. Chat with the manager!

Usually, for each PAMM account in Alpari there is a branch in the Russian-speaking and English-speaking forum, where managers communicate with investors. In the same place, at the beginning of the branch, the main information about the trader and his strategy is often located., analysis methods used, strategies, MM, etc..

8. Said - did!

It just so happens., what's among us, Traders, there are practically no people of my word. Why? А вот потому, that Pinocchio is going to financial markets. And Buratinam still grow and grow, still strengthen and strengthen your spirit. more details here: About the SPIRIT and the Field of Miracles. So what should be checked, whether the declared strategy and risks correspond to the real state of affairs. If the trader wrote, that the risk per week does not exceed 10%, but in reality the drawdown for the week reached 20% - tell him, as in the famous video - "Come on, Good bye!».

By pamm accounts - all.

Now about private investment.

Все тоже самое:

1. You clearly stipulate the amount to be managed and the percentage of remuneration,

2. Maximum account drawdown per day, for a week, etc.,

3. Regularity of profit withdrawal (ежедневно, weekly, etc.),

4. Monitor compliance with established trading rules,

5. Observe the agreements on your part, etc..

If the depot is, say, 40 000 ye, and the maximum drawdown on the account is 25% (10 000), then it's wise not to keep everything 40 000 on the trading account. Again for the above reasons. Bring out 30 000 and keep them in a bank or in another account. For you can lose everything 40 000. Leverage allows you to open with a large volume and 10 000 ye, sufficient for, to double the depot in an hour. But when draining the rest 30 000 will not suffer.

Trust management does not mean, what you need to trust and not check.

What I want to add about pamm bills divorce.

There are frequent cases of overflow of accounts. Personally, I have never seen such cases., but, I suspect, that latently they are not so rare in the practice of trust management.

The bottom line is, what if a fraudulent trader finds two investors with approximately equal amounts, then you can do this - open a large buy position on one account, on the other - for sale. All one tool at a time, of course.

In any case, there may be a doubling on one of the accounts, and on the other - a complete drain. However, after saying goodbye to a disappointed investor, the scammer laughs at the fooled investor and gets his percentage of the reward from another investor. Then everything repeats again.


Be carefull!

These simple tips will help save your nerves and money..

If you have any thoughts, I will supplement the post with new points.. Be sure to share the link to the article on social networks., help your friends.

God bless you, at least until the next blog update Zen Trading.

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