How we all fucked up with gold


Sometimes it's helpful to add self-criticism to your notes..

A year ago in the article 2 gold forecast from SEB and HSBC for 2013 year I wrote, that analysts of these two banks have some opinions about gold prices for 2013 year. And this is what happened:

Experts of the Swedish bank SEB on 2 Half 2013 years saw this metal at 1700 dollars for that.

HSBC analysts — 1800 dollars for that.

I did count here, that gold will cross the line 2000 dollars in this highly presumptuous post.

In the end, everyone fucked up.

Gold is currently traded at 1250 dollars for that.

AND, probably, we will soon see testing the low of 1180 за ту, and maybe its update.

That's it.

The picture fully reflects, how cool we made money on this.


God bless you, at least until the next blog update «Zen trading«

  Soon to be fined for using mobile phones.
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