How to get rid of the burden of emotions

All last year Bob traded. He's still a rookie., but has already made hundreds of transactions. Today he's in The Long Onel.. He has a plan.. It manages risk. This deal does not stand out from its other positions.. There is no reason to somehow differentiate this deal, but somehow she still stands out. He is not sure, what can trade today. He wonders, why does he continue to trade. He thinks: “Do I like it all? What is the purpose?? What I want to achieve in general?” In this deal, right now, Bob carries an excess emotional burden.. He went into a business as usual, but made it a symbol of the overall picture; gave her deep meaning. Bob examines, what exactly does this deal mean to him. Most traders advise taking a day off., when such thoughts appear. But Bob wonders about his reasons for trading.. He is not sure, why is he doing this, and exaggerates the importance of routine trading activities. He might be trying to get it out of his head tonight, but next week these thoughts, probably, will come again. Subconsciously he understands, which does not have a large-scale, strategic plan. Many traders can achieve some short-term success; but it is very difficult to consolidate success for a long time. Winning traders look for new challenges. They improve their skills and continue to enjoy the game.. But Bob feels stagnant. He's almost ready to leave. He must find answers, yes hurry up. You see, what Trading fully corresponds to the general plan of life? If not, Crash may await you.

It is vital to know, who you are, where have you been before and where are you going now. It can be understood intellectually, but emotionally it is difficult to clearly understand your place on the path of life and to know for sure, what do you want to do on the scale of the trip from now until the end of your life. If a trader does not know the answers to these fundamental questions, is he, probably, will allow unresolved issues to affect trading results.

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Finding answers to past and future psychological worries is not easy. It takes some reflection and understanding, that some problems will never be completely resolved. So what should a simple trader do?? When we discussed this issue in the past, many asked us, how to get rid of the past emotional burden. A couple of trading instructors were counting, that some people can shed their emotional burden on their own. Really, so much can be achieved, just by reading articles about self-improvement on the site. If the person has deep-seated unresolved psychological problems, he is guaranteed some form of professional assistance. But for many traders, the key to solving emotional load problems lies in the practice of self-awareness.. Psychologist Carl Rogers believed, that people's past conflicts lie just below the surface of their consciousness. If they just are persistent enough and let their minds think freely, they could identify psychological problems. Mostly, need to consider, who does a trader want to be, and impartially compare this ideal with that, who he really is. If there is a mismatch, tension and anxiety will be felt. The solution can be found in changing goals or life plan.. For example, if a person is sure, that he should be a good husband and father, while time, which he devotes to trading, prevents it, he will feel uncomfortable and ambivalent about trading. Something needs to change. He shouldn't give up trading, but he needs to investigate the problem and come up with a solution. Maybe, he should allocate a strictly defined time to communicate with his wife and children. Main – trying to get these problems out of your head will only lead to trouble. Ongoing psychological conflicts require understanding and resolution. An adamantly honest view of aspiration, limitations and real possibilities can help you to get rid of the past emotional burden. If you work on it fruitfully enough, You will be able to focus on trading and develop the mindset of a winning trader.

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