How and in what time frame is it necessary to inform the Federal Tax Service on the new legislation in 2021 year

To 2020 years only for owners banking overseas accounts it was necessary to inform the tax office about opening an account.

And the owner Brokerage overseas account only submitted a 3-NDFL Declaration to the tax.

With 2020 the state of affairs has changed slightly.

  • Inform the tax office about opening and changing account details
  • Provide a report on the movement of funds
  • Submit 3-NDFL Declaration (still).

There is also relaxation: now it is not necessary to notarize translations of foreign documents. However, the tax authorities retained the right to request a notarized translation if necessary..

Let's take a closer look at these innovations..

How and in what time frame is it necessary to inform the Federal Tax Service on the new legislation in 2020 year

No need to inform

There is no need to inform the tax office about opening an account, if accounts in foreign monetary organizations were opened to 2020 of the year.

You do not need to provide reports on the movement of money, if you have in your account less 600 thousand. rub, and broker located on the territory of a member country FATF or OESR and the government automatically exchanges with Russia fin. Information.

Interactive Brokers and other US brokers

America does not exchange information with the Russian Federation, although a member of FATF And OESR. Therefore, when opening an account, the least 600 thousand. rub. in 2020 a year with Interactive Brokers or another US broker will still have to provide a report on it.

Account opening notification

Time. You need to inform within a month from the time of opening an account with a foreign broker. When closing an account, the notice period is also up to 1 months since closing.

Opening Notice Form (Closing) Account.

Form of notification of changes in account details.

  • Personally
  • through an authorized representative
  • by registered mail with notification
  • electronically through the taxpayer's personal account.
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Account cash flow statement

Time. You need to notify before 01 June next year.

And you need to serve it, starting with the report for 2020 year. That is, the first report must be sent to 2021 year to 01.06.2021 G.

When closing accounts in the reporting year, the report is submitted for the period from 1 January of the reporting year (or from the date of opening an account) up to and including closing date. The report is submitted simultaneously with the notification of the closure of the account on time, no later than one month from the date of closing the account.

Document submission options:

  • Personally
  • through an authorized representative
  • by registered mail with notification
  • electronically through the taxpayer's personal account.

The form of the report is determined by the Decree of the Russian Federation from 17 April 2020 G. N 528 "On Amendments to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 28 December 2005 G. N 819 and from 12 December 2015 G. N 1365»

3-PIT declaration

Time. The deadline for filing a declaration is 30 April of the year, following reporting. IN 2020 year in connection with the coronavirus, the deadline for filing a declaration for 2019 the year was postponed to 30 July 2020 of the year.

Important! The deadline for paying taxes on the declaration remained the same - until 15 July 2020 of the year.

Form. You can submit a declaration in person at the tax office, as well as through the MFC, if a decision is made in the region to provide this service in them.

More convenient option online:

  • You can download the software «Declaration» and fill in all the data and generate a declaration to be sent to the tax
  • Or immediately fill out 3-NDFL in the Personal Account of the taxpayer on the website of the tax.

Explanatory note and calculation of the tax base to 3-NDFL

If you have a lot of deals, accruals of dividends and interest, then it may take several days for these transactions to be recorded. In this case, it is easier to calculate everything through an automatic service., who will generate an explanatory note and calculate the tax base faster and better than a person.

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For example, the personal income tax service Guru can prepare the entire set of documents from the 3-personal income tax declaration, Explanatory Note and Calculation of the Tax Base.

Where to do:

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