JP Morgan converts 4 mutual funds in ETF

JP Morgan Asset Management Announces Conversion Plans 4 mutual funds in ETF in 2022 year. Changes, which must be approved by the board of the foundation, are designed to augment JP Morgan's ability to expand its own top spots in. Complex assets of funds, which are proposed for change, are about $10 billion (as of 30.06.2021).

JP Morgan converts 4 mutual funds in ETF

“Being among the fastest growing asset management companies, we position ourselves like this, to provide our best investment opportunities faster with a wider range of tools, including mutual funds and ETFs ", – emphasizes George Gatch, Chief Executive Officer, JP Morgan Asset Management.

If the board of directors approves these changes, which will be discussed first 2022 of the year, which are followed by mutual funds will be converted to substantially the same ETF in an active transparent ETF structure:

– JPMorgan International Research Enhanced Equity Fund (OEIAX: AUM $ 5,0 billion)

– JPMorgan Market Expansion Enhanced Index Fund (OMEAX: AUM $ 1,1 billion)

– JPMorgan Realty Income Fund (URTAX: AUM $ 2.2bn)

– JPMorgan Inflation Managed Bond Fund (JIMAX: AUM $ 1.4bn)

Converting these mutual funds to ETFs, JP Morgan will provide clients with active investment opportunities locally, where passive ETF solutions were commonly used in the main.

“It is important for us, so that we continue to provide our investment opportunities as they are, Suitable?? the desired results of our clients ", – reported by Brion Lake, head of American ETF JP Morgan. "Intraday liquidity, transparency and potential tax benefits, provided by ETF, are of significant value to a large number of financiers, and these tactics directly fit perfectly into the ETF structure ".

JP Morgan Asset Management US ETF Package Includes 36 goods with assets under management in the total amount exceeding $64 billion. JP Morgan Ranks Among Top 10 ETF Issuers by AUM and Unsullied Flows in the Active Funds and ETF Industry by 2021 year. The company manages 129 mutual funds with $899 billion in AUM.

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