Original taken from
And we are even a little proud too: that's how much our people steal! Ого-го!
This reference has been walking since yesterday. I didn't hang it, until its authenticity was confirmed.
It's like that.
The land plot belonged directly to Yakunin at the time, when there was an epoch-making construction. Limestone was imported from Germany, granite from Kazakhstan and so on.
After that, how in 2011 year the movement went with the declaration of property, Yakunin re-registered his daughter, but continues to use it.
This information has been confirmed from various sources and is completely reliable..
2. Facts about the Yakuninskaya dacha are being cleared from the Internet with amazing speed.
This amazing speed is comparable only to the amazing dullness, because we all remember about
in) A man spoke on the air of the Russian News Service, who worked at Yakunin's dacha, but our brave Sergei Leonidovich Dorenko, more recently, downright
but, the text is preserved
В прямом эфире «Russian news service builder Alexey told details about one of the elite real estate objects near Moscow, which the, according to bloggers, and there is the dacha of the head of Russian Railways Vladimir Yakunin. According to him, cottage near Domodedovo in the Akulinino estate belongs personally to Vladimir Yakunin and his son, and he repeatedly saw the head of Russian Railways there.
«I worked there. I built that bathhouse. I can confirm everything. I saw Yakunin there, I can talk for a long time. About three years ago I worked there. This is Akulinino. Fenced in there, pass only by passes. There 300 Vietnamese man worked, they electric fishing all the fish there and killed. External finishing italian marble. Bathroom – three buildings, 14 on 14 meters, Italian furniture, bar counter made of marble, fireplace, stained glass windows. She is glass, there are no walls as such, changing rooms, showers, everything is very expensive. Бассейн 50 meters in the house. There is a store of fur coats, fridge. Little house is son, гостевой, and the main – it is his. There is a chapel, chapel. Like Metrostroy for 150 million dug ponds there. Tiled there gold trimmed, and the room is very large – hamam, bathroom, steam room, panorama, to look at the forest», — he said.
Earlier, photos of the alleged summer residence of the head of Russian Railways Vladimir Yakunin appeared on the Internet.. The cottage occupies 70 hectare near Domodedovo. According to the author of the original post, he was engaged «smart home». There «dug their own lakes, built «small» garage on 15 cars, separate box for «Maybach», built one and a half kilometers of underground passages from the main house to the garage». On the territory of the estate – two-story servant's house, 50-meter pool, «there is an orphan's bathhouse, on 1400 square meters».
3. Moving on to the fun part.
A small expedition took place on Sunday, organized by the party `` People's Alliance '', at the places of rest of the head of Russian Railways.
Thanks a lot to the Alliance" за это.
I will briefly mention only, that our cheerful State Railwayman did not just cut 700 we still have a huge amount of foreign land.
But he is also a river with a very characteristic name `` Villain" blocked off.
Along the entire perimeter of our modest ZhelDorOfficial, a fence with motion sensors.
All in all,
In the near future, the People's Alliance" organizes a new expedition, already equipped with GPS trackers, to describe up to one meter how much land was illegally grabbed by the insatiable railroad worker Yakunin.
Those wishing to participate can sign up at
I will inform you about our further research, but for now I just want to notify everyone, what do we put before
A formal letter will be sent shortly.
Let Vorobyov show us all and the residents of the Moscow region, in particular, how will he deal with his colleague by criminal group party & quot; United Russia & quot;.
There is a sea of violations, and blocking the river – this is generally beyond the bounds.
Looking forward to.