The market has changed?

One gets the impression that the American stock market has changed recently.. Some systems, formerly, stopped working. First thought, judging by the SP500 index, that the market has become more trending relative to the flat period 2004-2007, when all trend systems on stock indices were leaked. By the way, the most profitable long trending swing just ended yesterday, lasting from February this year. Second in long swing 2003 of the year. This i mean, what could be earned by following the signals of the trend tracking systems for the SPY stock, as it is impossible to investigate the SP500 index itself in this way due to unrealistic opening prices. That is, we can conclude about the similarity of what was in 2003 year with the current state of the market. But it was not there — here is an example system, who successfully earned in 2003 year (and not only — she earned ALWAYS) and does not earn successfully during this year. Probably, something has changed in the psychology of American stock market players:

  Favorable fluctuations
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