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Paul Krugman says,that only War can save the United States, not in the sense of military action, and that, that in 1940 the United States borrowed money in the amount of, превышающем 2 once the GDP , during the Second World War was employed in the amount of 2 times the GDP of 1940,it is approximately 30 trillion by today's standards.

Rubini says, that the economy is so weak, that the slightest shock can lead to a double dip.

Obama tries to save homeowners by writing off up to all mortgage debt( main capital). Must make an official statement on Tuesday. I believe, this is the right step in the context of the current economic environment, otherwise they will not cope. The state takes the burden on its own shoulders.

P.S Technically, possible slight rollback after a dose" positive character.

  Forcibly covered the trend following position
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