From the courses of the American teacher for 10 000$

While I have exams, I do not trade intraday because. I come late and do not have time.
Here's an article for you., original here :

In our courses, we always mention some key mistakes., which traders usually do. Here are some more of them.:

Error: Confusing trading with investing.
The trader shouldn't be bothered, does the money work for him. ( Really, money should work for a broker, or to a neighbor from the second entrance)

Trader care – it is wise and timely to speculate, keeping losses small, be ready to exit quickly and maximize profits, not staying in one place too long, i.e, at the point, where will he give more, than a small percentage of that, what have already received.

(Continuation from the same opera, entrances- come out, Do not stay on the same place, maximize profit. How interesting is that?!)

Error: Copying other people's trading strategies. This is why following the futures trading of various advisors, at the same time not using your own opinion, rarely works in the long run. Some of the best traders issue newsletters, but their followers usually fail. Futures trading is so personal, that it is almost impossible for two people to trade in the same way.

(In short of two people, two will definitely lose everything, because it is impossible not to drain. And it is necessary to watch other people's systems, even if they are not workers, в данный момент).

Error: Игнорирование риска сделки. Most traders, entering a deal, only looks at that money, who expect to receive from her. They rarely believe, that the deal could go against them and they could lose. Реальность состоит в том, that every time, when someone buys a futures contract, who – then the other sells the same futures contract. The buyer is convinced, that the market will grow. The seller is convinced, that the market has finished growing. If you look at your transactions this way, you will become a more conservative and realistic trader.

  Bundle of investment news: Buffett, oil, cats and old greece

(Looking at the deals, then you become conservative and realistic. well, maybe :)) )

Error: Expectation, that every deal will make you rich.(Leave your clothes, everyone who enters here)
When we tell people, what Tradingэто спекуляции, they approve, that should trade because, that the next trade might be the one, which will bring them tons of money.( They must trade, чтобы зарабатывать. Not to trade,to thresh deals.) feel the difference, and read a happy story at your leisure, с полным разборов полетов ,Вы поймете, who earns how much, и какими методами.

People forget, what for, to become a winner, You don't have to wait for a big deal, who will come one day, to make you rich. Even when she really comes, there is no guarantee, that you will be in this particular deal.(Of course there are no guarantees, but if the deal is waiting for a long time, то вы наверняка откусите свой хороший кусок прибыли )

You will earn more and be able to retain more, if you trade with goals, satisfied with regular small and medium wins. (Зарабоаете, if you hold)Trader makes his money, getting its share of the daily price action of the markets.(Share of pi .. li daily, yes it gets) It does not mean, what you should trade every day. It means, what, when do you really trade, you need to be ready to get out quickly, if the transaction does not go in your direction within a predetermined period of time. If the deal really goes your way, protect it with your foot and hold. (Something like that)

Error: Inflated profit expectations.

The biggest disappointments happen, when expectations are not realistically high. Many traders face problems, expecting more from their trade, than a reasonable profit. They will often enter trades and, when she goes in their direction and they win, they mentally start spending their winnings, or they may even borrow against the expected winnings, to take additional risk. False expectations of gigantic profits drove hopeful traders to quit their jobs before, how did they do something. The same false hope makes them lose money from friends and family.. False hope leads them to mortgage their homes and other property. Expectations that are too high are dangerous for the well-being of any trader and those around him..


( O yes! By this vice, many investors sin. Ultimately, they remain at a broken trough, несмотря на прошлые звездные достижения).

Error: Не надо планировать финансы. Before, how you make a trading decision on a position or before, how to start the day of trading, consider your motives and goals.

• Why are you trading today??

• Why are you opening this trade?

• Will it help you get closer to your goal??

( Questions, which feed usually sets itself :). Где я? Why did I do it? И что же будет дальше?)

Error: Opening a deal because, what it looks like is correct at the moment. This is one of the saddest excuses, which we hear from traders, не знающих, how to manage a deal. By then,, when they call us, everything is already very bad. They entered the deal because, what, in their or someone else's opinion, it was the right thing to do. They thought, to follow the dictate of opinion – it's insightful. They didn't plan the deal and, worse than that, they did not plan their actions in case, if the deal goes against them. Только то, that the market is agitated and making powerful moves – not a reason to enter a trade. Sometimes, when you don't understand at all, what's happening, the wisest would be to do nothing at all. There will always be a new bargaining opportunity. You are not required to trade.

(It's hard for me to understand, how can a deal “to look like” правильной :) .If you feel bad after the deal, tight in the chest))or below, then the deal was wrong))). Yes, and the answer to the call, you are not required to trade. It's cool)) Customers will go like a river)

Error: Taking too much risk. With all the risk warnings, contained in the forms for opening an account, with all the mandatory warnings in the books, magazines and all sorts of other literature, which you receive, as a trader, why is it so hard to accept, that trading carries a huge risk? This – as if you understand intellectually, that trading futures is dangerous, but you don't really take it to heart and live like this, until you find yourself gripped by the horror of a big losing trade. Greed forces traders to take too much risk. They open too many trades. They place their stop too far. They trade very little capital. Мы не советуем Вам избегать торговли фьючерсами. We are only talking, that you must implement an unbreakable and disciplined trading plan, based on knowledge of the futures markets, на которых Вы торгуете, вкупе с хорошим здравым смыслом.

  ETF history

(Just chatter, first we want, for you to trade, and then we say, what you don't have to. And since you proved, that you don't have common sense, then study further. Видимо пропишут семинары))During reading and commenting, no animals were hurt. Saved you 10 000$.Enjoy your shopping :)

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