from 2013 to 2014

there is an old hackneyed family joke about, that a part of childhood spent in the baltics leaves its mark on the timeliness of many processes / phenomena. it's not the same for everybody, it's time for me to sum up the past year.

all this is subjective, certainly, but 2013 was the most difficult in terms of understanding financial markets since 2006 of the year. there were many more opportunities to make mistakes and do stupid things, than during the bright, но понятных 2010/2011/2012 years. the only thing, what saved from big failures, this understanding of the lost line. as if you notice in time, what lines, which you used to walk on, can not see, so it's time to slow down, extend your arms forward and move by touch in the maximum caution mode. according to unverified information, the first half of 2014 will be held in the same vein.

в целом же, according to observations, 2013th for many turned out to be quite difficult. this weirdness did not pass me by either. quite unexpectedly, the year turned out to be one of the most difficult in my memory. and which side do not come from, but the airport metaphor seems to be the most apt. it's not about takeoffs and landings. 2013i was some funny mixture of airport feeling" Arthur Haley and Airplane" by Cuker-Abrahams-Cuker. In the first case, you aggressively fight off the problems that are lying around on all sides. But at the same time, in the second case, realize the absurdity of the situation and enjoy.

the bottom line turned out to be something like this:

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