Results of experiments

Experimenting with my trade for about two weeks, by the number of transactions, position size,time,trading styles.
Position size :

  • Small positions – you start to think less about the deal, more risk. As a result, not very good performance
  • Average positions – Most comfortable so far, deliberate deals and focus on them. Good profit, with small negative trades that don't bother
  • Large positions – Tangible profit, but also big disadvantages. Need more precision, to do them, too few attempts at mistakes. It is not always possible to incubate large movements.. Once a day you can do, but you can't always trade them.


  • Morning – bad time for me to make deals, I don't see any obvious trends, feet slip. It looks more like a casino here. Single transactions are possible, с очень хорошим планом. Position is difficult to gain.
  • Day – The most adequate and interesting movement. The stops are minimal, there is a clear picture of where the market is going. You don't need to make decisions quickly and you can wait for your trade models
  • Dinner – бывают интересные ситуации, but in the long run, if the market is not active, it leads to losses
  • Evening – Ситуация схожа с днем, but fatigue from active trading affects, if you do not rest at lunchtime, the brain starts to think worse and the quality deteriorates.

Increase position :

  • Without increasing – good result,quality deals, nothing bothers, but you may not get tangible profit
  • Increasing hike movement – gives an increase in profit on 50-100% .

Position coverage:

  • By target the entire position – often do not reach a couple of cents or go much more than I thought,the result could be better
  • Разгружая часть – gives incubation great movement, part of the profit has already been fixed and you can sit quietly. Here we cover part of the target position and sit further, giving you the opportunity to earn more than you wanted.
  Superstitions, ritual


  • Without moving – We give stocks a large range for volatility, trying to sit out, но часто stock может из плюса закрыться в минус.
  • Break even – Мы конечно покрываем с нулевой прибылью акцию, теряя только бумажную,but it often happens when it was possible to cover it earlier and get at least some kind of plus, in the end, all the same, losses,albeit paper.
  • Moving the stop – the opportunity to sit out the action as much as possible, saving every cent. Although there are big pullbacks or nowhere to put a stop,только микро уровни.

Amount of deals:

  • Минимальное – Missing the opportunity to make some good deals, not making a profit on them. The opportunity to stay in promotions that will not go our way. Too high hopes for them with a desire to maximize positions. An inactive market gives good results, you miss a lot in active, но результаты нормальные
  • The average – Самое адекватное, of course it is difficult to find your balance how many transactions to make. Suitable for an active and good market.
  • Максимальное – many deals, sharp increase in volume, and this is money. Rough deals, мало времени на анализ уже совершенных и ошибок по ним. In a calm market, it's killer, in a very active market in some will give a good result above average, but on ordinary days the commission and multiple errors and the inability to track them leads to a negative result.

So far, this is only a small and introductory part of the experiment., для моего трейдинга.

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