Using DEMO for Research

Many have already seen, what for Research and trade using the program trade-ideas, but many are sorry to pay money for it. IN DEMO mode signals lag behind 20 minutes, but for selection before the trading session, it is well suited. You can view all the stocks for which she gave signals yesterday.
I wrote my filter settings already HERE

First, install the program, downloading it from
I write in logins and passwords DEMO

Then FILE -> NEW Alert window
Customize the appearance of filters at your discretion. Press the right button on the filters and in the menu that opens, select Collaborate and insert the address of any filter that wrote.



We leave the filter to work until the end of the day and save all the data received.

Open the saved file in Excel, select the first column.
Test -> Column data


Well, the easiest, we select the stocks you need =)



  Does the past to the future?
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