Looking for a trader

Hello, friends!

Decided to write this post for those investors, которые создают темы ищу трейдера

В посте trust management на рынке форекс я писал, that some investors do not want to invest in PAMM accounts, because either do not trust forex companies, or they are not satisfied with the option of working from the technical side of the service. Because it is not always possible to urgently withdraw money, transfer from one account to another, change the conditions and goals of investment and generally want an individual approach.

In themes ищу трейдера часто спрашивают про стейт за полгода, however I know examples, когда предоставлялся чужой стейт или стейт из форекс компании, where he was drawn. That is why it is better to give some of the funds into management first., having agreed on all the conditions for drawdown and profitability.

Тем трейдерам, who trade on financial markets, and also to my students, I always recommend creating your own blog, where to describe your goals, thoughts, achievements. Because this is a diary, which may soon become a hallmark of a person.

And then the interested investor, instead of reading a bunch of posts from forum members in the topic ищу трейдера will pay attention to the literacy of writing articles on the blog and examples of trades, on a life position.

Managing traders sometimes write to me, которые ищут инвестора, however, I do not undertake to recommend them to my investors. The reason is, that we all have different periods in life and I have noticed more than once, how steadily earning over, say, полугода, trader вдруг начинал терять деньги. Then he again reached a good level of profitability and again merged. And it's not about the market. It's about you and me.

Life problems, internal conflicts, lack of motivation, birth of children, divorces, loss of loved ones and even seasonal changes play a role «black swan».

  Urzhas :)

I have determined for myself the option of working with investors, which is most comfortable for me and practically excludes the influence of third-party factors. This option — work to a specific result. There are three investment plans in my fiduciary service: 25%, 35%, 45%. Upon reaching the specified level of profit — settlement with an investor and a break in trading.

Why is that? I noticed on my own, that any work without a specific goal, without a specific deadline demotivates me. To draw a clear analogy, then you can give an example: you need to fill three barrels with water. Each by 200 литров. Up to the brook — 100 m. You have two buckets of 12 литров. Time to complete — day. Вознаграждение — delicious buffet with your favorite food and drinks. And water is needed to water the trees in the heat, who will die without her. And now you have a very clear idea of ​​the amount of work., and the steps to complete it and that joy, which you will experience, when do the work.

In this case, you can distribute the time in this way, so that work is interspersed with rest, сном, food and brought after all enjoying a well-deserved reward. The last point I highlighted on purpose — it is required! It is imperative to break your trading activity into pieces and stick to the plan: goal, steps to achieve it, result, enjoyment and relaxation. Recycling.

In life, you should set two goals for yourself. The first goal is to realize that, к чему вы стремитесь. The second goal is the ability to rejoice at what has been achieved.. Only the wisest representatives of humanity are capable of achieving the second goal..
Logan Pirsall Smith

А теперь представьте, that from the above formula we remove all the specifics and the reward. Получается что? Take the buckets, carries water! Why? How many? Who needs it? What will I get? How much time do i have? Does it make sense?

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Without all these goals, concrete steps and awards — any activity loses its meaning. If you read my article crisis of thirty, then there is the problem described in the picture.


I saw an article on the smartlab, which said that, how bad, that everyone has now turned on goals and objectives. Jetty, sense of flow — this is what you need to strive for. I will not indiscriminately find fault with this point of view — the topic requires a separate discussion within the framework of specific terminology. However, there is a wonderful phrase about goals.

The realization of goals essentially means the fulfillment of desires.

You don't need to say anything more, feel for yourself! This is the key to the door to a fairytale life!

If you are an investor, who says ищу трейдера, проверьте, do you understand the purpose of your investment and whether the trader understands your purpose?

Studying with students, I noticed, that no one has a clear purpose in trading and has no clear guidelines!

Trade profitably, become a professional, earn a lot, live only from the market… Here are common phrases, when you start asking about traders' goals.

Well, or completely unrealistic — I want to make a million yea with 100 bucks! I, as you remember, I also set this goal in my youth, but achieved little — managed to overclock everything at the maximum 500 dollars to 130 000 Dollars.

Set unrealistic goals. If it does not work out — to hell with him! They're unreal!

This does not work!

And despite the unpredictability of financial markets and trading results (after all, there may be a loss following the results of a certain period of time), a trader should focus on a positive and concrete result! Expressed in numbers, числах, датах! Until recently, I would argue with this statement and say, what to predict your income in the financial markets, promise yourself or others a specific level of profit — not right. Но сейчас понимаю, that without a clear plan and purpose it will only get worse! Much worse!

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Any business also has its pitfalls., nevertheless, it is customary in business to calculate costs, income and determine in advance the profit received at the exit. And in fact, make adjustments and experiment.

A goal without numbers is just a slogan!
Jack Canfield

If you are already creating an ad ищу трейдера, dear investors — answer your question — do you submit your own investment plan? What task will you assign to that manager, whom you will find and whether he will be able to cope with this task?

Success in investing and trading. Profits!

May God grant you health, at least until the next blog update Zen trading

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