Investortech and trends

Here is a picture of how to set up a filter on the http site:// для поиска stock с трендами сейчас

Here are my settings for searching for stocks that grow for a couple of days by NYSE, you can change the exchange yourself. Which fall should only be changed from Winner to Loser = 20&MaxPrice = 150&cVolume = on&vsz=s_vol&vszcp =% 3E% 3D&rVolume=500&rsz=p_vol&rszcp =% 3C% 3D&rrVol=1000&vwtype=0&sz=0&wt=0&px=4&tp=0&mt=0&ind=nn&ind2=nn&GroupBy=3&prd = p1&mknum=4&action=Screen

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