Investor in America.

I also have an American investment mini-portfolio, where I buy growing stocks and control them once a week. I.e, it turns out, as if, active portfolio compared to portfolio on MICEX, which I don't pay attention to at all. I started creating it around the end of last year.. First, decided to buy cola (options) about money with an expiration of about a month in order to avoid unnecessary jerking, restarts. But for this you have to pay costs in the form of time value. — double edged sword. It so happened that a month after the purchase of colas, the price fluctuates on the spot, and when expiration occurs, идет вниз. And it turns out that all these tricks with options are down the drain, since you still have to close stocks with a loss after expiration. That's why, subsequently gave up the calls and began to just buy stocks — will close on foot, так закроется, but no cost. Or rather, not in the footsteps, since there is no physical stop, but just a decision is made once a week on Mondays.

At the moment, the portfolio looks like this. On the right is the price already taking into account the commission. And here is where ROST is 35,00 and SBUX by 38,00 это как раз и был strike купленных колов, who subsequently exported to shares:

Acsmm purchased in approximately equal shares. Yield + 21% since the end of last year (of course, taking into account all unprofitable trades and option costs). While indices hover around zero or even minus.

Далее приведены недельные charts Shares, находящихся в портфеле. The entry price is also indicated.

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