Investments from 100 000 ye. Closed set of trader-managers

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Hello, friends!

I want to make an announcement.

Serious investors contacted me, who saw my post in Yandex I am looking for a trader and asked privately to select several managers for trading on accounts with five or six zeros. Provided access to trading accounts, so that I don't doubt my intentions.

The situation is as follows. От меня ждут решения всех организационных вопросов, creating a competent process for selecting traders, compliance by the latter with money management + Reporting. Actually, I act as a manager and also a liaison between those wishing to manage funds and a group of investors.

Насколько я понял — the size of the investment can be significantly higher, than indicated in the title, but for this you need to show the result.

There is one but. I don't get paid for this =) But they logically indicated that, what if trader хочет управлять инвестициями, то он сам должен приложить усилия и понести определенные расходы.

I think, it is reasonable.

So the pay for my work will be those, who will be included in the closed selection group of traders, which I decided to name «crazy witches» — сумасшедшие ведьмы. This name is the best answer to that, what will you have to do. Very harsh conditions. Especially for those, who are used to working relaxed.

The most important thing is the stability and regularity of profit with minimal drawdowns. To simplify, then 3-5% в неделю при максимальной просадке не более 10-15% от счета. Or 5-7% per week in case of drawdown 25%.

The cost of entry will be determined by me after receiving your applications — the more people there are in the group, the lower the price for each. I think, it is logical.

All other details will already be dealt with personally., maybe I will make a closed forum for this purpose.

  Peter Brandt

Investor restrictions — traders are not accepted, who are just starting to trade or have not reached the age of majority. Forex trading in one of the companies, where do they have accounts. А я на свое усмотрение еще буду задавать вопросы и принимать решение о принятии в группу или отказе. In the latter case, do not be offended. I am responsible for the result and do not want to lose face in front of people.

Yet again, for violation of the rules of trade, reaching the maximum drawdown — traders will leave the group. Keep this in mind. A serious matter.

I expect from you: information about trading experience and a brief description of the strategy, MM, стейт, if there is, did you work with investors, what markets and instruments do you prefer to trade, what is the maximum amount managed, if you have experience of remote control, work alone or in a team, какие цели и пр.

Think, for many of you, this is a great chance to prove yourself and achieve that, what some have been going for years.

Write to my contacts: admin (dog), скайп wearbo или с of this page

I will be grateful for the repost, maybe there are those in your environment, who can handle this difficult task.


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