Intrigue. How the month will close.

so, there are three trading sessions left until the end of the month. Indicator, allowing / prohibiting long-term purchases of shares is currently in the negative zone. In order to enter the positive zone, it is necessary for the SP-500 index to grow by about a percent by 2,5-3. I think this is unlikely to happen, that's why, probably, and next month will have to refrain from forming a long-term portfolio of JC-100.

Let me remind you that, according to indicator, completely closed the balances of the long-term portfolio at the beginning of November. For the period of turmoil, part of the freed up funds bought short-term monetary funds (fixed income), for a part I play short-term swings, and on the shoulders even shorter-term trades with closing positions at the end of the day. I had the systems already prepared with 2008-2009 of the year, battle-proven, it only remained to examine, grease and fight again :)

I think that by January the market will recover and from the new year it will be possible to go with the flow again in the long term, confusing it (flow) with his genius :)

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