Interview of the winner of the Champions League 2009, Sergei ( Dettier ) published in Futures magazine & Options

Champions League Winner 2009 Sergey, performing under the nickname dettier, so far the undisputed record holder in the entire history of the competition. He managed to turn the start-up capital 36 thousand. rubles in 2,8 million and earn 7 869%. To the finish line in the rank of a leader he was led by an adequate perception of risk plus a minimum
emotions during trading. And indeed, why be nervous in vain, after all
scalpers do not leave open positions overnight…

- Do you like gambling?
- Yes, i like cards, poker, but they are not interesting to me as a source of adrenaline. Quicker, how
mathematician i like to predict, calculate.
- That is, you cannot be called a risk-averse person?
- It is forbidden, rather the opposite.
- Do you spend a lot of time on trading every day??
- It all depends on the situation. I do not like trading in a sluggish market. However, if the market is interesting, I can work "from call to call", from opening to closing of the main session, i.e 8 hours.
- And it happens so, what you see at the opening - the market is weak, and decide: let it be a day off then?
- I try not to make myself a weekend. I always trade at the opening and statistics. However, if the market is not interesting to me at the moment, I look at him half an eye, while doing other things at the same time.
- How often has this happened recently??
- Basically, Yes. December turned out to be a boring month. January also turned out to be not very interesting, activity has not yet returned to normal levels.
- How did your story begin on the market??
- I immediately came to the derivatives market. At some point I decided, that the IT industry is no longer interesting to me, so I changed my occupation quite abruptly. A year ago I quit my job and opened an account with a broker. Before I was interested in trade, read about her, studied charts, however, did not try to trade.
- Why were you disappointed in IT?
- I think, the previous job did not meet my ambitions.
- You made a very bold decision. Were you sure, that everything will work out in trading, once destroyed the escape routes?
- Not, there was no one hundred percent certainty, there was only strong interest and a lot of free time.
- But if nothing happened, would be left without a livelihood, there are many such stories…
- I tried not to think about such an outcome.
—You make decisions easily, that can change your whole life?
- Perhaps, easily. Maybe, because of, that I did not feel much disappointment from my own decisions.
- It immediately became clear, that it was not in vain that they risked?
- Stable earnings went in two months.
- But what about the leaked depot, which every beginner certainly has?
- I do not ask a question, why didn’t I leak anything, while others leaked. I had a drawdown of about 30%, then the upward movement began.
- It's about the right approach to risk management?
"Probably.", Yes. All leaked deposit stories are similar. Usually trader outlasting incredible loss, everything goes against him, however, he stubbornly holds the position. Finally, it is closed by margin-call. From the first day it was clear to me, that this approach is wrong, therefore, there was not the slightest desire to follow him. This is how I managed to keep my deposit.
- Means, you have not got, in fact, not a single hit from the market?
- Undoubtedly, there were some losses. Small disappointments have to be experienced every day.. Only you earned some amount, how did you lose her right away?. However, nothing serious.
- Actually, easy to say. "had seen, that the way is wrong, and did not follow him ". Many people understand, how not to do, however emotions prevail. It turns out, You trade almost emotionlessly…
- There are emotions, sometimes it is very difficult to deal with them, but i don't let them get the upper hand.
- And yet it happens, what are you doing wrong, contrary to logic?
- Not, otherwise we could not talk now.
- Given the maximum drawdown in 30%, one might say, that emotions hardly affect the result. Probably, this is one of the same features, which distinguishes
successful player from that, who drains deposits?

- Maybe, that fact, that I control emotions, this is my plus.
- One plus is not enough. What else makes it possible to succeed?
- Primarily, this is an adequate attitude to risk. I always try
correctly assess your risk.
- What do you mean by an adequate attitude to risk?
- Everything is pretty commonplace: only that money should be risked in every trade, which you can afford to lose. Even in the most high-frequency scalping, you need to manage to assess the risk in each trade..
- You started with scalping?
- Yes.
- Remember, how it was? Opened an account, so what is next? You already had your own vision of trading?
- At first, my trading was chaotic. Random trades with random entry and exit. However, the more traded, the more discoveries. I began to see some patterns and draw conclusions from them. When the deposit started to grow, began to develop own trading principles.
- Bring, you are welcome, an example of such patterns?

- High correlation our market with Western.
- What is your most important rule?, which was then figured out?
- The main rule of any trader is to be able to cut losses. Besides, sometimes it's better to step aside and not trade. When you are in a wound state after a series of losses you want to recoup, it makes sense to stop trading, take a break.
- When a mid-term investor cuts losses, he thinks for a long time, hesitates, and then makes an informed decision. But the scalper must do it instantly…
- Yes, it counts for seconds, that's why the speed of decision making is so important. No time to think, therefore, you need to close when a minus appears on the machine.
- You said, that you read a lot of books, before you started trading. Did this knowledge help later?
Books gave only a general idea of ​​the market, practice gave the rest.
- How much is your strategy limited??
- There is a limit,after which it makes no sense to keep extra funds on the account. At the competition, I started with 30 thousand rubles and at first used all
thus hit the liquidity ceiling: for my trade it is 50-100 futures contracts on the RTS Index.
- When did you come to the competition, you already had a working strategy?
- Yes, I have been earning with her for six months already.
- Why did you decide to try your hand at the Champions League?
- The competition was important in terms of increasing motivation. Scalping is a monotonous job, over time, interest in trading fades away. Competition spurs to work in full force.
- Not scared by the hype, which always accompanies successful competitors? More than one post of the RTS forum was dedicated to Eve.
- At first I didn't think about it at all. Applied, without talking about, can I take a prize.
- And then?
- Then he began to strain increased attention. Sometimes some people contact, start
offer options for cooperation that are obviously unattractive to me.
- Most often, I guess, want to give money to management?
- Yes, there are many of them, but for scalping, attracting other people's money is pointless.
- Have there been, vice versa, some useful contacts thanks to the competition?
- Can not say, that useful acquaintances have appeared, but interest-
nye exactly.
- Your most frequent answer on all forums: "I do not use MTS". And yet, tell us the secret, how do you manage, without using MTS or special software, make several thousand transactions a day?
- It is unlikely that my daily number of trades is anything surprising for a scalper. EVA performed two to three times more transactions last year, than me, and everyone suspected,that she robot. I quite admit, that even 5 thousands of transactions per day can be done by hand. Possible, that someone would see even more opportunities in this market. I saw
exactly so much, how many deals. The PTC Index Futures sometimes allows me to execute multiple transactions per minute. For me, this is the normal number of inputs and outputs..
- Maybe, it comes with some incredible tension?
- Not, this is a common work on the machine.
- There is no desire to combine experience in IT and trade and write a robot, using your strategy?
- I'm not interested in this yet.
- You liked trading within the framework of the competition?
- At the competition, certainly, it was more interesting. In the beginning there was intrigue,I constantly competed with the robot for the first place, we changed places with him every day. After that,how did i come off, it became interesting to compete with other participants in terms of income in ruble terms.
- In the competition, you worked only with futures on the RTS Index, as far as I know. And in the usual mode, trade with other instruments?
- Not. Other contracts are less liquid, rather than index futures, to which I am already accustomed. - This is your first serious competition in your life”.
- Except for the mathematical olympiads at school and institute, where I also took first places.
- Many winners of the Championships after the competition begin to read master classes. You don't have such plans yet?
- Not, I'm not interested in teaching someone.
- Because you think, that a person cannot be taught to successfully scalper?
- Exactly scalping, to my mind, you can't teach. As a last resort, can be pushed, point in the right direction.
- Friends did not try to repeat your success, no advice was asked?
- Ask, but I do not advise anyone to go to the stock exchange, as statistically most traders lose money. I do not want to take responsibility for a person.
- Especially, when it comes to the derivatives market… Why didn't you even try your hand at the spot??
- Even before, how did you come to the market, I followed the LPI competition. I was impressed by the results of the winners,I didn't want to go anywhere else.
- There is a desire to work on western sites?
- I think, sooner or later I'll be there. In the near future I will switch to a more relaxed trade, then you can already think about the American market.
- That is, you are not going to scalper there?
- Yes, scalping strategies in the West, working for FORTS, not applicable.
- How do you see your trade, portfolio in five years? Do you want to leave this area as your main source of income?
- It is hard to say, what will my trade be, I can only hope, that in five years I will still be doing it. If we talk about the near future, then I will move more towards arbitrage strategies. Quite a lot of experience has been accumulated in this area and, unlike ping rock, investor money is used effectively.
- We would like to work in a large investment house?
- Maybe, as a new experience it will be interesting to me someday.
- Why at the end of the competition the frequency of transactions was reduced? The market has gotten boring?
- Not, the reason is the increased deposit. I began to work with a large volume of contracts. At first, I easily drove 3-4 contract, entered and exited by 30 once a minute. When did I switch to trading 40-50 contracts, it became more difficult to find opportunities to enter and exit.
- you said, that you perceive trade as a job. Is it hard work or a favorite job?
- She brings me pleasure, but she's definitely not easy. If something turns out, then this is doubly interesting.
- What is the hardest part of daily scalping work?
- Do not break the monitor.
"Probably.", when did you enter the market, learned all the rules of classical scalping.’ cut off losses, not to be distracted during trading, do not combine scalping with a long-term strategy. You stick with them?
- Yes.
- Based on what you make trading decisions?
- Based on continuous analysis of the order book and charts.
- What are you looking at besides a glass?
- RTS Index futures chart, western indices, oil, dollar. Everything fits on one
- What indicators do you use?
- No special indicators. Watching support / resistance levels, moving averages.
- Is emotional attitude important?, with which you start your trading day?
- Undoubtedly. If something upsets you before the bidding, it may reflect badly on the account.
- Think back to your hardest trading day?
- I remember, somehow I immediately grabbed the minus and throughout the day tried to recapture it. It is much more difficult for me to psychologically beat back a minus, than work in a plus.
- Are there people left in our market?, whom you consider to be the authorities, or someone, who helped with advice?
- While I was studying, there were no assistants. And there are authorities, these are the previous winners of the competition - mumitr0ll, n0xer, eva.
- There is a proven way to disconnect from trading?
- That is unnecessary. I do not leave open positions overnight, so as soon as I close the terminal, I immediately disconnect from trading without additional efforts.
- Even when the robot took the first place from you every day?
- Basically, even then. I didn't attach too much importance to the competition, so the competition didn't stop me from sleeping.
- You said, what do you like to travel. How exactly?
- I like to visit other countries. America is most interested in, that's why I've been there several times already. And for the last time before the competition. Thought not even to participate because of the trip, because I did not have time to start, however in 2009 year, the LPI began later.
- How do you prefer to relax on trips?
- I do not like to go to standard tourist places, more interesting to dive into the local
a life.
- Who do you usually travel with?
- With his beloved wife. RO

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